Re: [情报] 大嘴米勒:噢别再讲了,Paul George

楼主: jackie0414 (哇哈哈)   2020-09-17 11:19:40
※ 引述《LABOYS (洛城浪子)》之铭言:
: Reggie Miller :
: “老实说比起系列战内容,让我更难过的反而是他们赛后的言论。”
: “不,这是在找借口,你曾经在印第安纳当你的蝙蝠侠,
: 而你去的其他地方,奥克拉荷马、洛杉矶,你在那里都是罗宾,虽然这或许更适合。”
: “当你还是蝙蝠侠的时候,你和 LBJ 的热火队展开激战,
: 人们对你抱满期望,你也本有机会赢得那个系列战。”
: “然而你在第七战,全国国家电视台转播,到底是什么狗屁演出,投篮切到篮板....
: 你他妈再开玩笑吗? 这就是生死第七战你所能拿出的最好的表现?”
: “我要点名,Paul George,我直接点你的名字。如果大家都说是 Doc Rivers 的错,
: 这就有另一个问题了,就算你们摆脱了 Doc Rivers,那你们接下来该怎么做才会赢?”
: “Paul George 最好好好审视一下自己,你们构筑了一支旨在今年夺魁的队伍,
: 你们把所有筹码都压在桌上,你不能告诉我,这都是因为球队没有化学反应才输的。”
: “你们在 3-1 后就小觑了金块,然后突然之间,每个人都出来说球队有化学反应问题,
: 为什么我们之前都不知道有这些问题,然后突然之间,你们被扫地出门离开园区,
: 你们就突然有了这些化学反应问题?”
: “算了吧,老兄,不要再讲了,就只是更好的队伍赢了,就是这样而已。”
从Bird到Miller 对他都充满了期待 也尽力帮助他成长
希望自己能跟Miller一样 成为溜马的骄傲
George on Miller: 'The love that he had here, it’s what I want )
A few years ago, after solidifying his career with the Indiana Pacers, George
began studying a new player. He was told by just about everyone in Indiana
that this player was a legend, a charismatic man Hoosiers will never forget,
a standard for future stars from whom to learn. The more George researched
the skinny, flamboyant man in the blue and gold uniform, the more he was
几年前 当他的职业生涯在溜马打下基础后 PG开始研究新的球员
一个绝不会被忘记的 充满魅力的溜马人 是未来球星要学习仿效的对象
愈深入了解这位身穿溜马球衣 瘦骨嶙峋却充满活力的男人
An idea came to George. He started comparing himself to that man, the
greatest Pacer ever: Reggie Miller.
于是他决定要比肩这个溜马队史上最伟大的球星:Reggie Miller
Most of George’s conversation with Miller that Sunday afternoon was about
elongating his career. The more years he plays, George said, the more chances
he’ll have to do something — and bring something to Indiana — that Miller
wasn’t able to achieve: win a championship.
当他打得愈久 他愈觉得自己必须实现之前Miller无法完成的目标:为溜马赢得总冠军
Miller detailed his summer workouts to George, how he extended his career by
perfecting his lower-body strength. He told George the training didn’t
always happen in a gym. Get outside, he told George. Come mountain biking
with me in California.
他告诉PG训练不一定要在球馆中 到外面去 跟我一起去加州骑车登山吧!
“I’ll put you on a different way of conditioning your body,” Miller told
George. “You guys are so accustomed to training and working out in the gym.
That stuff gets boring.”
我会让你用不同的方式调整身体状况 你们太习惯于在球馆内训练了 这真的很无聊
(注:Miller现在也还是持续在骑车 因此体态保持得非常好)
George accepted Miller’s invitation. Next summer, George plans to return to
California. He will learn more from Miller and he will chase the former
superstar, on both the biking trails and in the record books.
PG接受了邀请 明年夏天他打算回加州 他会跟着Miller学习
无论是骑车还是生涯数据上 努力赶上这位溜马的前巨星
作者: eeqqww112233 (酒桶)   2020-09-17 11:21:00
作者: walter741225 (瓦特)   2020-09-17 11:36:00
PG想拉姆斯挡枪 先去带溜马夺冠吧
作者: mikechang829 (Back,Perspired)   2020-09-17 12:20:00
提到神米 > 尊敬 提到泡椒 > 切板
作者: fantasyscure (台湾狼)   2020-09-17 22:29:00
背骨双人组 翻船了

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