moodoa3583 (金牌å°ç£å•¤é…’)
2020-08-01 20:51:02Jonathan Isaac 成为 NBA 重启后第一位没有穿 Black Lives Matter 上衣以及单膝跪地的球员
在 NBA 停赛期间,非裔男子 George Floyd 被警察压制致死,使得原本就已经岌岌可危的种族议题因此大爆发。
而非裔球员占多数的 NBA 在这次事件中自然会有所表示,除了在各游行中都可见球员的身影外,官方也同意让球员选择在球衣背后绣上各种标语以表明自己的立场,且把“Black Lives Matter”直接印在球场地板上。
在开赛唱美国国歌时,多数球员都单膝跪地,此举出自于 NFL 旧金山四九人队四分卫 Colin Karpernick 在抗议美国种族歧视时表达拒绝向美国国旗致敬的动作。不过在今天魔术对篮网的比赛,魔术前锋 Jonathan Isaac 并没有跟着球员一起跪地,也没有穿上写着 Black Lives Matter 的上衣,以下是他的说法:
"I believe that Black Lives Matter. A lot went into my decision, and part of it is, I thought that kneeling or wearing the Black Lives Matter t-shirt doesn't go hand-in-hand with supporting Black lives. So I felt like, just me personally, what is that I believe is taking on a stance that, I do believe that Black lives matter, but I just felt like it was a decision that I had to make, and I didn't feel like putting that shirt on and kneeling went hand in hand with supporting Black lives. I
believe that for myself, my life has been supported by gospel, Jesus Christ, and everyone is made in the image of God and that we all forge through God's glory.
"我的确相信 Black Lives Matter ,但我认为穿上标语衣服或者在唱国歌时单膝跪地不能与支持种族议题划上等号。"
Each and every one of us do things that we shouldn't do and say things that we shouldn't say. We hate and dislike things that we shouldn't hate and dislike, and sometimes it gets to a point where we point fingers, whose evil is worse, and sometimes it comes down to whose evil is most visible. So I felt like I wanted to take a stand on, we all make mistakes, but I think that the gospel of Jesus Christ is that there's grace for us, and that Jesus came and died for our sins and that if we all come
to an understanding of that and that God wants to have a relationship with us, that we can get kept all of the things in our world that our messed up, jacked up.
I think when you look around, racism isn't the only thing that plagues our society, that plagues our nation, that plagues our world, and I think coming together on that message that we want to get past not only racism but everything that plagues as us as a society, I feel like the answer to that is gospel."