pneumo (超☆冒险盖)
2020-07-27 10:42:17来源: FadeAwayWorld
网址: https://tinyurl.com/y22xhdyd
Alex Caruso Skipped His Sister’s Wedding To Compete In The Bubble While Lou
Williams Was Caught At A Strip Club
Alex Caruso因为要待在奥兰多打闭门比赛没去参加姐姐婚礼 Lou Williams被拍到去脱衣
With the NBA restart officially underway in Orlando, it will be interesting
to see how far each team gets in the race for the title.
With so many new and unique factors playing into how this will all unfold, it
’s really anyone’s guess as to how it will end.
At the very least, it’s fair to say that teams with the most drive and
resolve will be the ones to make it to the Finals.
And, in a half-joking manner, one Twitter user noted an interesting
comparison between Lakers guard Alex Caruso and Clippers star Lou Williams.
有个推特乡民以半开玩笑的方式比较了湖人后卫Alex Caruso跟快艇明星Lou Williams。
It has been reported that Caruso literally skipped out on his sister’s
wedding so that he can stay and compete in the bubble. And while Lou
originally left for a family tragedy, he was spotted at a Strip Club later,
where he said he was just going to “pick up food.”
已经有报导说Caruso没去参加他姊姊的婚礼,好待在奥兰多比赛。而Lou Williams一开始
"拿食物"(Pick up food)。
推特连结: https://twitter.com/LakeShowYo/status/1287379745294782464
"Alex Caruso skipped his own sister’s wedding to stay & compete in the bubble
… Lou Williams really left for some ass at a strip club
Ya, Lakers in 4."
“Alex Caruso为了待在闭门比赛没去参加他自己姊姊的婚礼....Lou Williams则是去脱衣
“耶! 湖人4号! (Caruso号码)。”
(感谢大家建议 Lakers in 4也有4-0的意思)
To Williams’ credit, a family emergency definitely trumps a wedding in terms
of importance but still, the point remains the same: players need to take the
rules of the bubble seriously.
Breaking quarantine rules for food, or fun, or women, is a detriment to the
team and their chances of winning. Caruso seems to have the right idea about