pneumo (超☆冒险盖)
2020-05-14 10:22:32来源: NBC Sports
网址: https://tinyurl.com/y7eyj94a
Report: James Harden wasn’t on call with other NBA superstars
James Harden不在其他明星球员参加的会议里面
Several NBA stars joined a conference call to unite on finishing the season.
On the call, according to Chris Haynes of Yahoo Sports:
几位NBA明星球员参加了一个会议讨论是否完成本季赛程。根据Yahoo Sports的Chris
Chris Paul
LeBron James
Anthony Davis
Kevin Durant
Giannis Antetokounmpo
Kawhi Leonard
Stephen Curry
Damian Lillard
Russell Westbrook
Noticeably absent(很明显的缺席者): James Harden.
I didn’t want to read to much into that. Haynes never claimed to name
everyone on the call. Perhaps, Haynes couldn’t confirm every participant.
Kendrick Perkins on ESPN:
Kendrick Perkins在ESPN上说了:
"I called Chris Haynes, and he clarified to me – from his knowledge – that
James Harden was not on that call."
“我打电话给Chris Haynes了,他有跟我澄清