1) 校友与地区商家的绑桩赞助
2) 大学透过球鞋厂商塞钱的手段更加名正言顺
3) 球鞋厂商绑桩时间提早,同时影响大学择校队意愿
※ 引述《azlbf (上邪!我欲与君相知)》之铭言:
: 以下翻译充满本人对NCAA的各种偏见
: 包含但不限于原文的资讯
: 若认为哪一段与事实严重不符,请推文告知
: 全文网址
: http://www.wruf.com/headlines/2020/05/01/will-the-nba-g-league-be-a-threat-t
: 短网址: https://reurl.cc/b5VAMl
: 作者:Evan Lepak (ESPN运动作者 但比较多美足报导)
: Will the NBA G League Be a Threat to the NCAA?
: G League将会对NCAA产生威胁吗?
: Recently, a new trend has surfaced that may not be good news for the NCAA.
: Earlier this month, it was announced that five-star guard Jalen Green, the
: nation’s second-best player in the class of 2020, according to 247sports,
: elected to sign with the NBA’s G League instead of inking a scholarship
: offer with a college.
: Then two more high-class high school prospects followed in Isaiah Todd and
: Daishen Nix.
: 最近一种新的运作方式浮出水面,这对NCAA可能不是个好消息
: 早些时候,根据报导5星级高中生Jalen Green宣布加入G-联盟赚50万美金
: 而非去NCAA的某个大学球队拿着可怜的奖学金
: 随后,两个高水准的高中球员随后加入了Green的行列
: “I think it was the right thing for me because it was a family thing and a
: myself thing,” Nix said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times. “
: Playing in G League is basically getting me ready for the NBA draft. It’s
: just one step below the NBA.”
: "这不只是对我个人,而是对我的家庭也是正确的选择"
: Nix在接受LA Time访问时这么说
: "在这里打球让我感觉已经准备好投入NBA选秀了,这里就是离NBA最近的地方(而非NCAA)"
: The G League’s developmental program lasts one year and provides prospects
: with something that universities can’t; money and experience playing with
: and against professional players.
: 为期一年的G联盟发展机会,他提供了薪水还有与职业球员对抗的机会
: 这是在NCAA念大学没有的
: Jay Bilas weighs in on what this means for the NCAA
: Jay 权衡了这件事情对于NCAA的意义