Re: [新闻] 贴自己照片也出事?詹皇又被告了

楼主: jjeffrey1015 (阿德)   2020-03-24 17:27:47
※ 引述《xijo (章鱼烧)》之铭言:
: 标题: [新闻] 贴自己照片也出事?詹皇又被告了
: 时间: Tue Mar 24 15:46:34 2020
Analyzing the Copyright Lawsuit Against LeBron James
分析对于LeBron James的著作权诉讼
Even though James is clearly the focus of Mitchell’s photo, that fact has no
bearing on the photo’s ownership. It is Mitchell’s photo. That’s not to say
James lacks rights in how a photo of him is used. James enjoys a “right of
publicity” that encompasses his image in photos. While the scope of the right
of publicity varies by state, and while the First Amendment sometimes limits
its application, the right generally protects one’s name, image, likeness and
associated identity traits from unauthorized commercial use. James can sue
violators for misappropriating his right of publicity.
If the right of publicity sounds similar to the ongoing legal and legislative
debate over college athletes’ names, images and likenesses, that’s because it
is. There is no federal right of publicity, but advocates for college athletes
have demanded one given that NCAA amateurism rules generally forbid athletes
from being able to license their names, images and likenesses. James’s right
of publicity during NBA games is not at issue here. James, like all NBA
players, is governed by in-game and out-of-game licensing policies agreed to by
the National Basketball Players’ Association and the NBA. Those policies
include the right for professional photos to be taken of players during games.
One likely defense is “fair use.” This defense would assert that while
Mitchell may be the rightful owner of the original photo, James’s
publication of a cropped version was permissible.
James’s attorneys could argue that the purpose of the Facebook post was to
celebrate his dunk with fans and to let them know the “news” of the dunk
happening. The post, James’s attorneys could contend, wasn’t intended to
earn income for James. Indeed, the post is available without charge for
anyone with access to Facebook. Also, Facebook hasn’t taken down the post
for violating its terms and conditions (Mitchell’s complaint doesn’t
indicate if a take-down request was made to Facebook).
In terms of the impact of James’s post on Mitchell’s market for the photo,
James’s attorneys might maintain that Mitchell could still license the
original version. Unless Mitchell can prove he lost potential licensing
money, James’s attorneys could insist there is no reason to believe that
James posting a cropped version impacted the market.
: 贴自己照片也出事?詹皇又被告了
: 记者郑廷玮/综合报导
: 美国武汉肺炎(COVID-19、新冠肺炎)疫情爆发,NBA也受到波及宣布无限期停赛,球员
: 们纷纷遵照CDC指示在家自主隔离、并且闲到发慌,不过洛杉矶湖人球星“詹皇”LeBron
: James接下来则有得忙了,据报遭人提告他侵权。
: ▲湖人球星“詹皇”LeBron James传出遭摄影师提告。
: 根据《运动画刊》记者Michael McCann律师撰文报导,James遭一位摄影师提告侵犯版权
: ,全因他在12月15日于IG、脸书上贴出了一张湖人作客迈阿密热火的比赛中,自己在热火
: 中锋Meyers Leonard头上狠狠暴扣的照片。
: ▲James据报是贴出这张照片而被告。
: 这张照片是由一位名叫Steve Mitchell的摄影师所拍下,Mitchell委任一位纽约的版权律
: 师Richard Liebowitz对James提起侵犯版权诉讼,并向James求偿15万美元(约台币454万
: ),全案目前由前联邦检察官Ronnie Abrams法官受理中。
: 人红是非多,连贴自己的照片都会被告,不过,值得一提的是,这不是James近来唯一被
: 卷入的官司,2月时就曾因广泛使用“我不只是一名运动员(I Am More Than An Athlete
: )”标语在商品上,遭到一间非营利机构提告侵犯商标。
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2020-03-24 18:14:00
如果告成 至少以后球星会想到告知原作者再用吧?
楼主: jjeffrey1015 (阿德)   2020-03-24 18:17:00
作者: boobiegibson (boobie)   2020-03-24 22:10:00
楼主: jjeffrey1015 (阿德)   2020-03-24 22:29:00

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