库班:联盟的狗屁判罚,20年了都还是一个样 虎扑2月23日讯 在刚刚结束的比赛中,独行侠以107-111不敌老鹰。赛后,独行侠老板Mar k Cuban发推表达了对于裁判判罚的不满。 此后,Cuban明显怒气未消,又接连发了好几条推特怒呛裁判和联盟。 “裁判有疏忽的时候,技术台有疏忽的时候,但是这不是一场比赛的问题了。这是过去20 年里一直在发生的狗屁。(联盟)雇用那些觉得自己懂得如何用人、训练和管理的老裁判 ,然后过了两年,他们意识到自己做不到。如此反复。” “过去12年里,有Ronnie Nunn、 Don Vaden、Bob Delaney,现在是Monty Mccutcheon( 以上皆为裁判)。他们有什么共同点?你知道疯子是什么意思吗?” https://m.hupu.com/bbs/32539503.html 推特原文: Refs have bad games. Crews have bad games. But this isn't a single game issue. This is the same shit that has been going on for 20 years . Hire former refs who think they know how to hire , train and manage. Realize 2 years later they can't. Repeat https://twitter.com/mcuban/status/1231418620133171200 In the past 12 years it's been Ronnie Nunn, Don Vaden, Bob Delaney , and now M onty Mccutcheon . What do they all have in common ? You know the definition of insanity ? https://twitter.com/mcuban/status/1231419865749184512 短评或心得: 阿银表示^^