pneumo (超☆冒险盖)
2020-01-28 20:02:04先上影片: https://youtu.be/sk00epALZps
来源: People
网址: https://tinyurl.com/vj5dcff
Jimmy Kimmel Films Without Live Audience to Honor Kobe Bryant: 'A Comedy Show
Didn't Feel Right'
Jimmy Kimmel用没有现场观众的方式来致敬Kobe Bryant: 做喜剧节目觉得怪怪的
Jimmy Kimmel is honoring “real-life superhero” Kobe Bryant one day after
his sudden and tragic death by dedicating Monday night’s episode of Jimmy
Kimmel Live to the NBA legend.
星期一晚上Jimmy Kimmel Live这个节目,主持人Jimmy Kimmel在Kobe Bryant骤然过世
“We don’t have a studio audience here tonight because – going forward with
a comedy show didn’t feel right considering what happened yesterday – so I’
d like to just speak to you directly,” Kimmel said in his opening monologue.
Kobe, 41, and his 13-year-old daughter Gianna were tragically killed in a
helicopter crash along with 7 others on Sunday in Calabasas. Kimmel, 52,
called the tragedy “a punch in the gut for many of us.”
“Kobe was — and I know this might not make sense – but he was just the
last person you could have ever imagined something like this happening to,”
Kimmel said. “He was so strong — and handsome — and smart — and
energetic — he was a hero.”