SkyPlus (Sky)
2020-01-28 16:21:58※ 引述《Malpais (Malpais)》之铭言:
: 消息来源:https://bit.ly/36uKbru
刚刚 Gordon Hayward 也回忆了这场比赛
It has also come to my attention that there is a story going
around tonight about an intentional lane violation that I
took to ensure Kobe would get his 60th point in his final
game and many are applauding me for the gesture. The fact
of the matter is that is not true.
那些说我故意违例,让 Kobe 有机会靠罚球拿60分的故事都是假新闻。
That was a night that I will truly never forget as I can
remember almost every moment of it and my goal that night
was to compete as hard as I possibly could against Kobe
because that is what he was all about and I wanted to
give him my very best.
我永远忘不了那晚所有 play,Kobe 总是很认真的面对每场比赛。
He got 60 on me and I didn't give him anything free all
night. What happened on the free throw line was not intentional.
Kobe would have lost respect for me if I gave him something
free. That’s what made him so very special!
要是我真的故意犯规的话,Kobe 从此一定不会尊重我。