2020-01-28 09:45NBA台湾 / udn记者陈元廷/综合外电报导
布莱恩(Kobe bryant)意外猝逝消息传出,洛城当地民众纷纷涌向湖人主场献花致意,就
有1名叫做休瓦兹(Zach Schwartz)球迷在推特分享1则暖心催泪故事。
Zach Schwartz :
Bought flowers to bring to staples center. When the florist saw that I wanted
purple and yellow she asked, “for Kobe?” I nodded. When she finished I asked
what I owed her. she shook her head, handed me the flowers and said “it’s L
A”. I almost cried. LAs love for Kobe is powerful
心得: 有爱的洛城人,感动得让人说不出话来。