来源: Yahoo Sports 网址: https://tinyurl.com/vpnrds3 Jimmy Butler says some 76ers teammates didn't match his work ethic: 'That's just what it is' Jimmy Butler说一些76人球员的工作态度跟他不合:“事情就是如此。” Jimmy Butler famously forced his way out of Minnesota with a blunt practice tirade that targeted his Timberwolves teammates for their work ethic. Jimmy Butler用直接点名他的前灰狼队友缺乏打球工作态度要求要离开灰狼被大家知道。 The four-time All-Star told Yahoo Sports’ Vincent Goodwill in a candid interview published Tuesday that some of his teammates in Philadelphia also fell short of his work ethic during his brief stint with the 76ers last season. 4届全明星接受了Yahoo Sports记者Vincent Goodwill的访问,说到在76人那段时间,有些 76人的球员也是有工作态度上的问题。 “No,” Butler said when asked if his 76ers teammates worked as hard as him. “But everybody don’t do that. Everybody don’t work like that.” “没有,’Butler被问到他的前76人队友们有没有工作的跟他一样努力时说到。“并不是 每个人都那样,不是每个人的工作态度都是那样。” Contrary to the image that came attached to his rant that called out Karl-Anthony Towns and Andrew Wiggins in 2018, Butler presented a nuanced approach to how his Philadelphia teammates worked at the game of basketball. 与之前2018年他直接挑明是KAT跟围巾的形象相比,这次Butler用了比较谨慎的方式来讲他 前队友们在比赛时的状况。 “That’s just what it is,” Butler told Goodwill. “I’ve learned that over the years. Is there something wrong with that? No. There’s not.” “事情就是这样,”Butler跟Goodwill说。“在过去几年间我学到了一些。那样子做有错 吗?不,并不是这样。” Also unlike Minnesota, Butler didn’t name names. 这次不像之前讲灰狼那样,Butler没有指名道姓。 Change in tone from Timberwolves criticism 跟在灰狼的态度完全不同 It’s a stark contrast to the well-publicized incident in Minnesota that reportedly saw Butler hurl profanities at Towns and Wiggins, among others — reports he was happy to confirm later with ESPN’s Rachel Nichols. 这跟之前报导说在灰狼的时候Butler直接在大家面前点名干谯KAT跟围巾是180度大转变