LeBron James announces ‘I PROMISE Village’ as housing for Akron students, fa
milies in need
LeBron James is taking his "I PROMISE" initiative to the next level.
LBJ的"I PROMISE"将提升到新的层次
The Akron native and former Cleveland Cavaliers champion revealed plans Monday
for the "I PROMISE Village."
从I PROMISE School提升到I PROMISE Village。
This partnership with Graduate Hotels will "serve as transitional housing for
I PROMISE families" in the historic Westmont apartment building located within
a few blocks of the I PROMISE School in Akron.
I Promise School会和Graduate Hotels合作,重新装修I PROMISE School附近历史悠久
“Initially, our work was focused on helping these kids earn an education," Ja
mes said. "But we’ve found that it is impossible to help them learn if they a
re struggling to survive