Brooklyn Nets star Kevin Durant said on ESPN's First Take on Thursday that
his November 2018 sideline confrontation with then-teammate Draymond Green pla
yed a role in his decision to leave the Golden State Warriors in free agency t
his past offseason.
周四,篮网队球星Kevin Durant在ESPN节目《First Take》中表示,他在2018年11月与当
时的队友Draymond Green在场外的冲突是他决定离开金州勇士队的原因之一。
"A little bit, yeah, for sure," Durant responded when asked if the incident
factored into his decision to sign elsewhere.
He went on to further explain the matter: "I mean, your teammate talk to you t
hat way, you think about it a bit. But you know, like I said, we talked
about it. But definitely. For sure. I'm not going to lie about it."
That incident occurred 14 games into the 2018-19 season, when cameras spotted
Green and Durant exchange words on the sideline as the Nov. 12 contest against
the Los Angeles Clippers made its way into overtime:
Green reportedly questioned Durant's commitment to the team, bringing up the t
wo-time Finals MVP's impending free agency. Chris Haynes of Yahoo Sports repor
ted Green also called Durant a "b