When a member of the Santa Cruz Warriors lines up a three-point attempt and
is fouled on the closeout by a player from the Raptors 905 this season, that
player will walk up to the free-throw line and take just one shot. Make it
and the Warriors get all three points. Miss it and they get none.
In an effort to speed up games — and because nobody enjoys a parade to the
foul line — the G-League will experiment with a “one free throw for all the
points” system this year on all trips to the line. That will apply all game,
except for the final two minutes of the fourth quarter and overtime. Here is
the exact wording from the G-League press release.
Under the new experimental NBA G League rule, one free throw worth one, two
or three points will be awarded in the event of any foul that would typically
result in one, two or three free throws being shot under standard NBA rules.
The NBA often uses the G-League to try out experimental rule changes before
bringing them to the big show. For example, last season after an offensive
rebound the shot clock only reset to 14 seconds, that had been tested in the
G-League the season before.
The goal is simply quicker games and a better flow — free throws just slow
everything down and do not make good television. This is expected to shave
6-8 minutes off a game, according to Brad Walker, head of basketball
operations for the league, speaking to Zach Lowe of ESPN. Lowe added this
note that really explains the motivations.
The average G League game clocked in at about two hours and five minutes last
season, Walker says. This move could take that average below the two-hour
barrier, a clean broadcast window that has been in the minds of league
officials for years.
At the NBA level, with the longer and more numerous television timeouts,
there would never be a game that fits neatly into a two-hour broadcast window
(something that works well for soccer). However, anything that trims time off
of games is something the league should consider.
There are reasons to question this, from if it will lead to a return of “
hack-a-player” strategies (it’s more likely to lead to an empty trip down
the court) to what it does to historical records (if James Harden sinks a
free throw after being fouled, he gets the two points but should he be
credited with two make foul shots?), but at the G-League level it’s worth a
look. Maybe the teams and players hate it. Maybe not. There are always going
to be unintended consequences, but what are they? That’s why experiments
exist. Good on the G-League for at least trying it out.
It’s worth monitoring to see how this plays out.
为了加快比赛节奏 G League将实验性实施一次性罚球
任何犯规 将只会罚球一次 但会根据你受犯规的情况获得1-3分
举例: 三分线外犯规 原本罚三球 变成 只罚一球
这一球将会决定你 获得三分 或是 零分
两分线及出手后的and1 同理
为了球赛的观赏性 联盟希望能加快比赛节奏
心得: 这只是G League的实验性新规则 NBA则不受影响
对于骇客战术是否回归场上 联盟也要观察