Re: [新闻] 乔丹摘六冠 布莱恩:不值得骄傲

楼主: highwayshih (ZAMBAYA)   2019-09-02 10:10:52
Kobe Bryant is known as one of the NBA’s hardest-working players. During his
20-year tenure in the league, he set the bar for his work ethic and
determination as a competitor.
It was not like that for everyone though, and even for guys in his own era, it
was all about the money. As explained by Kobe himself in an interview with
Patrick Bet-David, players often lost their dedication to win and improve once
they secured the bag.
“In the NBA, it was actually easier. What I found in the NBA is a lot of guys
played for financial stability. When they came in the NBA, they got that
financial stability. Therefore the passion and the work ethic and the
obsessiveness was gone. I’m looking at that and I was like, ‘Oh my God, it’s
like taking candy from a baby. No wonder Mike wins all these f—ing
championships,” Kobe explained.
It’s not hard to see why players get numb to the game after getting a paycheck
. After all, they’ve got security for the rest of their lives.
For Bryant though, and a few in his air, it was more than just about the cash.
They wanted greatness, they wanted excellence, and they wanted to create a
legacy that lasted for years. He had a deep love for the game.
Mike was similar in that mentality, which is why he ate up the competition on a
daily basis. It all makes so much sense now…
作者: jimmyjou2006 (peaker)   2019-09-02 10:30:00
我很难想象哪个球员是认为荣誉比钱重要的我们旁人说的跟本不准 他在nba待过20年我不得不信他 但我只是无法想像工作不是为了钱大于荣誉这种事情发生对我普通人来说 他们可能高度太高了生态明明就是打得好钱就多 翻译自己不精准吧 应该翻译成大多人满足于现状 钱够用就不想努力了 而不是直接说钱 钱对每个人来说差异太大 更何况kobe不是出于穷困家庭 对大多人来说钱比誉大至少10倍吧
作者: dylancdylanc (davidq)   2019-09-02 11:19:00
翻译水准不够也不会乱下标题 这记者存心引战 该禁
作者: billgreenoil (阿扁巴巴大侠)   2019-09-02 11:19:00
超译的是那个低能记者吧= =
作者: hayabusa2004 (飞翔鸟人)   2019-09-02 12:23:00
原文这样确实有点酸 MJ绝对比抱欧肥大腿还实至名归
作者: jimmyjou2006 (peaker)   2019-09-02 13:03:00
我不觉得抱腿单纯荣誉 奖项多冠军多长远来看钱更多看来别说翻译 就算是翻译正确也一堆人无限上纲 看来不要讨论比较好难道意思是现在球员都过比较好所以竞争意识比较强烈吗???不然差别在哪

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