Ramona Shelburne
ESPN Senior Writer
Kevin Durant was getting ready to commit to the Brooklyn Nets, along with his
good friends Kyrie Irving and DeAndre Jordan. They'd all grown close in 2016
with the United States Olympic Team, and had talked often about playing with
one another someday. All that remained was for free agency to officially open
on the evening of June 30.
Then Durant got a call from Kawhi Leonard, asking if he'd consider teaming up
with him and signing with the LA Clippers. They'd be a great complement to
each other, Leonard told Durant. He'd always admired him, and had tremendous
respect for him as a competitor.
“ 嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟~ ” KD接到了Leonard的电话,并询问是否有兴趣与他一起在快艇组队,
”我们将会成为一组很棒的组合” Leonard这样告诉KD ,“Leonard很尊敬KD,作为一个
竞争者,他对KD保有巨大的respect (尊重)。
Durant was flattered and more than a little stunned, according to sources
close to the situation. He didn't know Leonard that well, so getting a
recruiting call like that made a real impression.
And while Durant followed through on his plan to play with Irving and Jordan
in Brooklyn a few days later, the seeds of Friday's blockbuster night had
been sown