※ 引述《kobest (如履薄冰)》之铭言:
: https://bbs.hupu.com/27962536.html
: 昨天勇士在主场不敌暴龙,2:4无缘总冠军。记者Ramona Shelburne更新报导了勇士近阶
: 段的更衣室细节。
: 1、勇士方面一开始花了2周时间处理KD的小腿伤病,但KD迟迟未能复出,他们开始失去控
: 制权。多名消息人员透露,勇士队里多名球员对KD伤病的不透明表达了不满。
: 某一名消息人士告诉记者:这就好像你在海里游泳等救援,别人告诉你救生衣快到了让你
: 等著,然后救生衣一直没来........这造成了巨大的焦虑,同时,KD能够在夏天成为自由
: 球员加剧了这一焦虑。
嘘 edison377 : 每次看到有人酸“没来之前就在赢球” ,只有两个感 06/15 11:12
→ edison377 : 想 。1.英文真的很重要 , 不懂英文的看没头没尾翻 06/15 11:12
→ edison377 : 译,标题可以杀人。2.人云亦云 ,难怪韩导会在高雄 06/15 11:12
→ edison377 : 当选06/15 11:12
缩网址 https://tinyurl.com/yyrqgufm
The Warriors had spent the better part of two weeks managing the narrative
around Durant's recovery from a calf injury. But when Durant remained out
longer than expected, they'd started to lose control of it. Myers said that
the Warriors' internal target had always been Game 5 of the Finals, with a
very small chance at Game 4. But the Warriors never said that explicitly, and
it led to a constant sense in the early part of the Finals that Durant's
return was just around the corner.
在KD小腿受伤后的那两周, 球团很好的处理相关的流言绯语
但是当KD恢复的时程超出预期时, 球团开始无法控制外界的质疑
Bob Myers 原本就预计, 如果勇士可以打到G5, 那就会是KD的复出赛
甚至如果KD的状态更好一点, 也有小机率会在G4复出
但是球团从未明确地说出复出时程, 导致在冠军系列赛刚开打时
There were daily questions and reports on his progress. Players read and
reacted to those reports. Then they saw Durant go through individual workouts
at the team's practice facility, and thought he looked good. So after Game 4,
when Thompson fought his way back from a hamstring injury and Kevon Looney
returned to play with fractured cartilage near his collarbone, the narrative
and the optics of Durant's absence got janky, to steal Stephen Curry's word.
每天球员们读了有关于KD伤病的报导之后, 又看到KD独自出现在球团的健身房
所以当G4 KT耐著大腿拉伤, 鲁尼耐著锁骨软骨骨折还出赛
*janky: adjective used to describe a person, place or thing
which is questionable
"It's that time of year when you get scrutinized," Myers said before Durant's
return in Game 5. "For us, if we made it to Game 5 ... that was always going
to be Kevin's shot at returning. But I can't control what you guys write and
all the narratives out there.
Myers在G5前说: "如果打到G5, 我们本来就预计这时让KD回归
"But the nice thing about being part of a team, is that you know what's going
on within the team."
If only that were the case. According to multiple team sources, several
players expressed frustration over the prolonged uncertainty of Durant's
如果是这样就好了, 根据多个队内来源
虎扑: 勇士队里多名球员对KD伤病的不透明表达了不满。
That's different than being frustrated with him or questioning his desire to
play. But as one source put it, "It's like you're swimming in the ocean and
someone says, 'We're getting you a life jacket soon.' Well, until you get
that life jacket, you're waiting for it. And I think that created tremendous
消息来源指出: "这就像是你在大海中游泳, 有个人说要拿一件救生衣给你穿"
"在真正拿到那件救生衣之前, 你也只能等下去"
That anxiety was heightened by what all this could mean for Durant's free
agency this summer. All season, the uncertainty over Durant's future with the
team has been a fascinating, frustrating wrinkle. Most people learned to
compartmentalize it. To accept whatever comes. Even to make peace with it.
整个球季, KD并没有明确指出他的新约要怎么处理
But the specter of Durant's departure was always there. It was hard for some
inside the organization not to take personally, not to wonder what Durant
could want beyond what the Warriors had given him these past few years.
但因为伤病问题确实存在, 球团内部分成员就开始针对KD
But when Durant was hurt in Game 5, everything changed. All that anxiety went
out the window and turned to genuine concern.
但是当G5 KD倒下后, 这些焦虑和质疑通通一扫而空