※ 引述《jimmy5680 (If Penguins May Fly)》之铭言:
: 消息来源:https://bit.ly/2K2jjZb
: 内容:
: The Los Angeles Clippers have reportedly started making alternative offseason
: plans after watching Kawhi Leonard lead the Toronto Raptors within one win of
: the 2019 NBA championship.
: Joe Vardon of The Athletic reported Friday following the Raptors' 105-92 Game
: 4 win to take a 3-1 series lead over the Golden State Warriors that the
: Clippers "feel confident" Leonard will listen to their pitch as a free agent,
: but they're growing concerned his postseason run could give Toronto the edge.
: 根据报导,在暴龙取得3-1优势后,
: 快艇“有自信”Leonard会在进入自由市场后听取快艇的报价,
: 但是快艇越来越忧虑暴龙将取得优势,
: 并正开始准备争取Kawhi Leonard失败的备案。
: 短评或心得:
: 可爱今年如果夺冠,会留在多伦多吗?北境之王?
如果夺冠的话 实在想不到离开的原因 虽然美国市场大
但是要和其他球员一起分 如果Leonard愿意留暴龙
这样想想 当初季中时 快艇如果和76人的交易再大方一点
如果七六人在二轮就把暴龙推倒 那Leonard估计就稳稳去快艇了
G4最关键的守主场 居然三分2-13
不是马后炮 单纯只是觉得情况变成这样很有趣
当初根本没想到会连结在一起的事 却在快半季之后起了很大的变化