"My mom and [Iguodala's] wife go shopping together for us," Thompson said.
"... They have good senses of style."
K汤说:"我妈, 还有嫂子(Iggy老婆)都会一起去逛街帮我买衣服, 他们品味很好"
K汤同时表示Iggy是最时髦的队友, 这几乎算勇士全队的共识了
"[He] doesn't know which way he wants to go," Iguodala said. "Klay should
wear staple pieces. He should wear the same thing every day. He should dress
like a Silicon Valley startup CEO."
Iggy表示:"K汤不知道自己该穿怎样风格的衣服, 他应该要穿棉织品
他应该每天都要穿一样风格才对, 要穿的像硅谷新创公司的CEO啊~~"
号外: 比起In-N-Out, K汤更喜欢Burgerville