pneumo (超☆冒险盖)
2019-04-27 09:28:07来源: ClutchPoints
网址: https://tinyurl.com/y6hvnvqb
Clippers coach Doc Rivers reacts to Rockets already flying to the Bay Area
快艇教练Doc Rivers对于火箭球员已经飞到旧金山的反应
The Houston Rockets have already flown to the Bay Area, as they are expecting
the Golden State Warriors to defeat the Los Angeles Clippers in Game 6 or 7
of the first round.
火箭球员已经飞到旧金山湾区,因为他们预期勇士会在Game 6或7击败快艇,挺进第二轮。
Clippers head coach Doc Rivers is hoping to cause some travel issues for
everyone. For that to happen, LA needs to win Game 6 at home on Friday and
then Game 7 at Oracle Arena.
快艇教练Doc Rivers则是希望可以让每个人都要处理一些旅程安排的问题。所以,若是要
做到的话,快艇需要在Game 6自己主场以及Game 7在甲骨文球场都拿下胜利。
影片支援: https://twitter.com/i/status/1121939329868156928
Doc Rivers on Rockets flying to Oakland to prepare for #Warriors - “I’m
looking forward to seeing them. Let’s hope we can win tonight and create
some travel issues for everybody. I just really would like to see them get
back on a plane. Heck, we’ll take them with us.”
Doc Rivers对于火箭已经到奥克兰准备的回应:“我很期待看到他们,就让我们希望今天
Everyone thought the Warriors were going to win Game 5 at home. As they have
done all season, the Clippers didn’t listen to the outside noise and
believed in themselves.
所有人都认为勇士会拿下Game 5;不过就像快艇一整年所做的一样,他们不管外界怎么
Behind stellar games from shooting guard Lou Williams and power forward
Montrezl Harrell, the Clippers won Game 5. It was the second win by LA at
Oracle Arena in the series.
在Lou Williams,Montrezl Harrell的优异表现下,快艇赢了Game 5,这是快艇在这系列
The Clippers lost Games 3 and 4 at home, so Game 6 on Friday is far from a
guarantee for the Clips. The Warriors rarely lose two games in a row either.
After Golden State blew that epic 31-point lead at home in Game 2, they came
out in Games 3 and 4 and defeated the Clippers pretty easily.
快艇在自己主场的Game 3跟Game 4都输球,所以今天的Game 6也不是挂保证可以赢,勇士
是很少连输两场的。在Game 2领先达31分最后却输球后,勇士在Game 3跟4就是轻松写意的
Doc Rivers will have his guys prepared for Game 6, though. This year is by
far Rivers’ best coaching job. No one expected LA to make the playoffs, and
yet here they are competing with the mighty Warriors as the eighth seed.
不管如何,Doc Rivers都会帮球员做好准备打Game 6,今年大概会是Doc执教以来最好的一