[情报] 热火裁掉McGruder 及 未来两年薪资上限

楼主: love1500274 (CoWuCoWu)   2019-04-09 22:08:16
1.The Miami Heat have waived forward Rodney McGruder, league sources tell
@TheAthleticNBA @Stadium.
热火裁掉Rodney McGruder
本季数据 出赛66场比赛,场均能得到7.6分3.6篮板1.7助攻
2.The NBA has informed its teams of updated projected salary cap and tax level
that is unchanged in 2019-20 ($109M/$132M) — and $2M lower in 2020-21
($116M/$141M), sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium.
NBA告知各球队2019-20年 及 2020-21年 预测薪资上限及奢侈税
2019-20 薪资上限为 $109M 奢侈税 $132M
2020-21 薪资上限为 $116M 奢侈税 $141M

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