pneumo (超☆冒险盖)
2019-04-08 09:44:31来源: ClutchPoints
网址: http://tinyurl.com/y5nknj8f
Pacers fans chant ‘Hide your cellphones’ while D’Angelo Russell takes free
throws, Russell responds
当D'Angelo Russell罚球时 溜马粉喊 "Hide your cellphones"
Indiana Pacers fans love to troll the players of opposing teams. They have
done it multiple times this season, most notably during a February game
against the Los Angeles Lakers when they chanted “LeBron’s gonna trade you!
” in a sequence when Brandon Ingram was shooting free throws. Well, they’re
at it again. In their game against the Brooklyn Nets, they chanted “Hide
your cellphones!” at one point when All-Star guard D’Angelo Russell was at
the charity stripe.
的比赛,湖人作客溜马时,当Brandon Ingram罚球的时候,他们高喊著,“LeBron's
gonna trade you (LBJ会把你交易掉)!”而今天,他们又有新招。在今天溜马打篮网的时
候,篮网全明星D'Angelo Russell站上罚球线时,他们对他喊,“Hide your cellphones
影片支援: https://twitter.com/i/status/1115013132320219138
This was of course, in relation to Russell’s infamous incident with his
former teammate Nick Young back when he was still playing for the Los Angeles
Lakers. Russell, who was a rookie when the incident happened, pranked Young
into admitting infidelity. The video went out, and the friendship between
both players ended. It was one of the major reasons why Young and his fiancee
Iggy Azalea called off their engagement. It was also one of the reasons why
the Lakers traded him to the Nets in 2017.
这当然是在讲当Dlo还在湖人打球时,那桩跟他前队友老尖Nick Young的著名事件。在那桩
个人的友情也就从此断绝。这也是Young跟他的未婚妻Iggy Azalea取消订婚仪式的理由之
Since then, Russell has shown growth and maturity over the last two seasons,
and while his relationship with Young is potentially damaged for good, the
same thing can’t be said for his career. Although he started slow with the
Purple and Gold, he emerged as a potential star with the Nets, as they
prepare for a playoff run at the end of this season.
Oh, and by the way, the Nets beat the Pacers 108-96 earlier.