Period: OT
Time: 00:24.5
Call Type: Foul: Shooting
Commiting Player: Josh Okigie
Disadvantage Player: Stephen Curry
Review Decision:CNC(正确吹判)
Okogie (MIN) makes marginal "hot-stove" contact with Curry's (GSW) leg after t
he release of his jump shot attempt and does not affect his ability to land sa
Period: OT
Time: 00:04.4
Call Type: Foul: Shooting
Commiting Player: Keita Bates-Diop
Disadvantage Player: Kevin Durant
Review Decision:CC(正确吹判)
Comment:Bates-Diop (MIN) places two hands on Durant (GSW) and makes contact wi
th him prior to the start of his upward shooting motion.
Bates-Diop 在Kevin Durant 开始投篮上升前,就以双手放在Durant身上形成犯规。
Period: OT
Time: 00:00.5
Call Type: Foul: Personal
Commiting Player: Keven Durant
Disadvantage Player: Timberwolves
Review Decision:CC(正确吹判)
Comment:Durant (GSW) wraps Towns (MIN) around the waist and engages with him,
restricting his FOM. The path of the throw-in has no bearing on the illegal ac
Kevin Durant 抱住 Towns的腰,并限制了Towns的移动。
NBA联盟不公,连Refree report都是假的。