pneumo (超☆冒险盖)
2019-03-06 10:03:31来源: SBNation
网址: http://tinyurl.com/y3xqhp82
7 examples of LeBron James not trying on defense that are way lazier than
Kyle Kuzma’s shove
7个比昨天Kyle Kuzma推LBJ去防守更加明显指出LBJ没努力防守的例子
Everyone is all in a tizzy over a moment from the Lakers’ crushing loss to
the Clippers on Monday night, when Kyle Kuzma seemingly shoved LeBron James
to make him defend Danilo Gallinari.
大家都还在沉溺在湖人昨天令人失望的败给快艇的情绪,在那场比赛,Kyle Kuzma似乎推
了LBJ一把,要他去防守Danilo Gallinar。
影片支援: https://twitter.com/i/status/1102811728323272704
People are using it to try and exemplify it James’ lack of defensive effort
this season, but really — y’all don’t need to work that hard. There are so
many wonderfully horrific examples of James not playing D this season that
are far more apt. You don’t need to try and make Kuzma’s shove a thing.
作者: baseball1388 (^&^) 2019-03-06 11:37:00
难怪一直觉得湖人防守漏 姆斯只有进攻真的母汤
作者: flowershi092 2019-03-06 11:36:00
难怪到34进攻数据还这么漂亮 防守偷懒阿 笑死再继续虾捧阿
那几个影片里面不是kobe吧 我看ptt都告诉我kobe是用牌子防守耶 影片里面没有拿牌呀
Kobe一直看牌子防守拉 只是腿断后真的很监视器= =34岁的Kobe断腿前应该也能剪出类似的当然 他守Rondo不算XD
认真问 Kobe 34岁的防守也有被这样放大检视吗???
作者: hayate113568 (hayate) 2019-03-06 10:43:00
作者: ENCOREH33456 (XM3) 2019-03-06 11:03:00
教练真的有错 ,40分钟太操了,姆斯后悔没去马刺了吧
不要再鞭了 就说是教练跟小酱问题了我詹抗C带四坑是怎么防守
作者: jimmylin0709 (jimmy) 2019-03-06 10:09:00
姆斯在等季后赛开启全力詹模式啦 例行赛养身而已