※ 引述《nocturne ( )》之铭言:
: 这两天看到AD上演吹密风波,不禁想到,
: 生涯都能待在同一队,又有强力建树的球员,
: 是不是对当地人的意义非凡,而加分很大呢?
: 举例来说老大虽也喊过吹密,但是球队也帮他盘来补强阵容,
: 最后终其一生湖人魂,
: 现役大概就Dirk,Curry.
: DDR跟Wade就比较可惜,
: 而雷帝姆斯也是不得不底西讯转队组队,
: 现在来看,德老终身小牛应该是没问题,咖哩这约走完大概也进入生涯后期,
: 没意外应该也是勇士终老,
: 事实上球员本来就很难要求一队打到老,毕竟有运气成分在,
: 这样是不是显得一队到底很珍贵? 这样的资历对未来生涯成就来说加分大吗?
TD 老大 老史 还有R.Miller 这些球员
为球迷 为球队 为他们的城市付出了所有的青春年华
因此尽管退休已13年了 印城人去年依然为Reggie Miller立雕像
有画家愿意在市中心画60呎的巨型壁画 溜马队并为这个巨型壁画揭幕
前总裁Donnie Walsh也来致词
还有球迷在他的壁画下订婚 觉得备受祝福与开心
另外有关Miller在印城的影响力 有一段叙述:
For an entire generation of Pacers fans, Reggie Miller didn’t just transform
the team, but the city of Indianapolis as well.
对于溜马球迷而言 Miller不仅改变了溜马队 也改变了印城
Few players, if any, are more identified with both a franchise and a city.
Prior to Reggie’s arrival to in Indianapolis, the team was in such a financial
downhill that team president Donnie Walsh questioned if the franchise was even
worth keeping. Miller’s instant impact to the Pacers gave fans something to
get excited about and turned Indianapolis into what people called an
“Indiana Pacers town.”
在Miller未到之前 这支球队的财务状况不佳 连总裁Walsh都无法肯定是否能继续撑下去
他对溜马的立即影响力给了球迷燃起热情的动力 也让印城被人们称为溜马之城
Walsh, who drafted Miller, praised him by stating, “Everything I wanted the
franchise to stand for, he represents” (Ballard). Most kids growing up in
Indiana during the mid-90s referred to Indianapolis as Reggie's town. Every
kid wanted to be Reggie. Every kid wanted to play basketball. Indy Star senior
writer, Collin McCollough, shared his opinionin a 2012 article,
"But he (Miller) sold the Pacers to the people of Indianapolis. Made them
believe. Made this more than a city that housed the Pacers, that constructed
Market Square Arena. Miller made this city believe in something.
He strengthened community bonds one clutch shot, one game-winning basket at
a time. He made Indianapolis a Pacerstown. Not just a town that hosted the
每个孩子都想成为他 都想打篮球
一位Indy Star的资深专栏作家说 Miller让这座城市有了信念
他让印城成了溜马之城 而不仅只是一个溜马队的主场城市
Reggie left fans with memories that need no introduction. Throughout his career with
the Pacers, home game tickets became impossible to find and attendance stayed
steady at above 17,000 fans until 2004.
Miller给球迷的回忆无须再多介绍 在他整个生涯中直到2004年
在溜马主场始终能稳定的维持17000名的平均观众人数 让主场变得一票难求
能成为一座城市的象征与骄傲 我想正是给这些球员最大的肯定
随着时间流逝 这样的荣誉想必也将不复存在
但他在印城的影响力 以及他为球迷所做的一切 应该会继续在此流传下去