※ 引述《thnlkj0665 (灰色地带)》之铭言:
: 消息来源:
: https://twitter.com/Pacers/status/1088248021459107840
: Injury update: After suffering a serious injury to his right knee, Victor
: Oladipo will have an MRI tomorrow and an update will be provided then.
: Victor Oladipo 今天在防守过程中造成右脚膝盖受伤
: 之后被担架抬出球场
: 至于溜马队官方则是宣布将于明天安排他进行MRI检查,也会再公布进一步的消息
: 受伤片段:
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqjJYGgoay8
: 短评或心得:Oladipo 保重
Woj: 初步诊断可能整季报销,明天会做MRI检查
Preliminary exam has left Pacers with fear that Victor Oladipo has
suffered a season-ending knee injury that will require surgery,
league sources tell ESPN. He will undergo an MRI on Thursday.