[外絮] Austin Rivers said if he and Chris Pau

楼主: JHarden (火箭扛霸子)   2018-12-25 10:04:40
Austin Rivers said if he and Chris Paul had issues with one another he
wouldn't be here. Said they worked out together this off season.
Austin Rivers表示若他和CP3有问题的话, 那么他就不会去火箭, 并且还提到了
The league office has been in contact with LeBron James about his social
media post referencing "Jewish money," accepted his explanation that he made
a mistake and the NBA will take no action, league source tells ESPN.
联盟官员已经与LeBron James在社群媒体上所引用的"Jewish money"歌词一事有过联系
, 接受他此次错误举动的解释并且NBA并不会有任何动作, 联盟消息源告诉ESPN.
作者: swingingbear (Bear~XD)   2018-12-25 10:28:00
堪用个鸟…看他的成长曲线跟持球效率 没他爸罩着那数字最好不是打三年就消失的免洗球员那时候被快艇签回去也是他爸当总管 “强力分析建议快艇签下来”的 实际上除了某场季后赛拿2x分还不错外整季都是在喊靠爸仔

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