[外絮] 暴龙GM Masai完成这笔交易是要提升球队

楼主: rocku112 (天地不仁)   2018-07-21 01:24:06
Michael Grange
Masai starts by apologizing for a ‘gap in communication’ with DeMar and
promises to celebrate him. ‘I’m a loyal person ...but I have a mandate to
Masai Ujiri 对于双方的交流存在隔阂向 DDR 道歉,并祝福他
并提到 " 我是一个忠诚的人,但我有让球队赢球的使命 "
Ujiri says Leonard has not yet taken his physical; not in Toronto yet,
expected to be here in a few days.
Michael Grange长期报导暴龙相关消息
作者: pttmastering (超豪爽)   2018-07-21 02:10:00
那你当初就闭嘴 还跟人家说不会被交易 捅别人一刀再说对不起?
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2018-07-21 01:48:00
当初骗DDR就算了 现在还补刀
作者: aa01081008tw   2018-07-21 01:57:00
作者: julianscorpi (各打五十大板流 免许皆传)   2018-07-21 14:27:00
龙王只有两个 老龙王Carter 旧龙王Bosh打输了怪敌人太强的崩溃仔没资格继承龙王称号
作者: feeling00480 (Amduscias)   2018-07-21 15:06:00

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