Charles Barkley Says He Would Rather Have Zero Rings Than Join a Super Team
If you want to win an NBAchampionship these days, you’re probably going to ne
ed to put together a super team. Whether you wCharlesant to say that it starte
d with the 2007 Boston Celtics who formed the trio of Ray Allen, Paul Pierce,
and Kevin Garnett, or LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, and Chris Bosh working it out
for the Miami Heat in 2010, the league has followed this trend till today. An
d it will probably continue as long as the super team of the Golden State Warr
iors as still intact.?
As we progress through the offseason where superstar players look to link up w
ith other superstars with the hopes of capturing a title,Charles Barkley as m
aking it clear that you can miss him with all that talk. During his appearance
on the annecessary Roughness Podcast, Barkley said that he would prefer to no
t win if it meant he had to follow along with this league-wide trend. "I’d ra
ther have no rings than join a super team,"He said.
当我们现在看着球星们纷纷组团求冠时,Charles Barkley在节目上表示,他宁愿一生无
Barkley expressed his admiration for some superstars around his time who were
so motivated by their competitive spirit that they couldn’t allow themselves
to seek out help from another superstar in order to reach the mountaintop. "It
doesn’t matter what option you are, sports are about competition," he said.
让自己寻求另一位超级明星的帮助,以便到达山顶。 “你的观点是什么不重要,体育就
"Like, I admire Patrick Ewing or trying to bring a championship to New York.?
I admire Reggie Miller for trying to bring a championship to Indiana. admire
Michael Jordan for not leaving when they were getting beat by the Pistons eve
ry year. He didn’t pack up and say, 'Let me go play with Magic or Bird,' her
e’s something to be said about that. When Dirk Nowitzki finally won the champ
ionship he could be like, ‘Yes, I did this.'"?
比如,我很敬重Patrick Ewing,他一直在努力为尼克赢得总冠军。我敬佩Reggie Miller
,一直努力为溜马赢得总冠军。我敬佩Michael Jordan,当他们被活塞年复一年击败的时
候,他没有离开。他没有一走了之,然后说:‘让我和Magic Johnson以及Larry Bird联
手吧。’那足以说明了一些问题,当Dirk Nowiztki最终夺冠之时,他可以这样说:是的
Olajuwon & Pippen & Drexler:
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2018-07-03 13:10:00
话很中肯 但是你说出来会变笑话
作者: aa01081008tw 2018-07-03 13:10:00
作者: Michaelpipen 2018-07-03 13:15:00
好了啦XD 都去火箭了
作者: aa01081008tw 2018-07-03 13:15:00
作者: Allenlin0720 2018-07-03 13:24:00
作者: Lovelymother (美魔妈妈) 2018-07-03 13:41:00
太阳 火箭 76人那时候拿冠军不久 都不是超级强队??
作者: lamourarchil (everlasting love) 2018-07-03 13:46:00
作者: billgreenoil (阿扁巴巴大侠) 2018-07-03 13:58:00
现在勇迷连勇士老八传奇是什么样子都不知道最好是会了解更久以前的火箭= =
本来就是这样,这才是体育竞争的精神 现在联盟搞到这样根本就是娱乐闹笑话而已
作者: johnathan168 (琦琦) 2018-07-04 08:16:00