ptncku (鲁蛇小弟)
2018-07-03 11:23:22※ 引述《MartinGarrix (NO.1 DJ)》之铭言:
: http://www.nba.com/cavaliers/news/releases/statement-180702
: “We will always remember the evening of June 19, 2016 as the Cleveland Cavali
: ers, led by LeBron James, ended the 52-year drought delivering the long elusiv
: e championship that many thought they would never see... A championship that u
: nited generations of Clevelanders, both living and passed.
: 我们会永远记得2016年6月19日那支由詹姆斯带领的骑士队,终结了许多人认为我们永远
: 达成不了的目标以及52年的冠军荒,也使各个时代的克里夫兰人团结一致。
: Virtually anyone with roots in Northeast Ohio paused and felt the memories of
: the past and the utter joy that the burden of the so-called ‘curse’ was fina
: lly a thing of the past. Cleveland, Ohio was the home of a championship team f
: or the first time since 1964. Words do not express the meaning and the feeling
: this accomplishment brought to the people of Northeast Ohio
: 事实上,所有东北俄亥鄂州人都暂停下来并回首过往,享受这些被称作诅咒的重担终于成
: 为过往云烟的快乐。克里夫兰自从1964年第一次成为冠军队的家,没有文字能准确地表达
: 与形容,这件成就所带给东北俄亥俄人的意义与感受。
: None of this would have happened if LeBron James did not agree to come back ho
: me and lead the Cavaliers to the promised land. The entire Cavaliers franchise
: thanks LeBron for that precious moment and for all of the excitement he deliv
: ered as he led our team to four straight NBA Finals appearances.
: 如果詹姆斯没有同意回到家乡,带领着骑士完成他的承诺,这些都将不会发生。全体骑士
: 团队感谢詹姆斯在这宝贵的时光中,给予并带领我们的团队连续四年闯进总冠军赛的激情
: 。
: LeBron is a family man, first. We wish his kids, his wife Savannah, his mother
: Gloria, and LeBron himself nothing but the best in the years and decades ahea
: d. LeBron’s connection to Akron, Cleveland and all of Northeast Ohio will mos
: t certainly endure as his commitment to the region and his support of many imp
: ortant causes has been impactful to so many kids and families.
: 姆斯是个爱家的人,我们希望他和他的妻子、小孩与母亲拥有美好的未来。他与阿克隆以
: 及东北俄亥俄州的联系肯定会继续维持下去,他对社区的承诺以及支持,影响并改变了无
: 数小孩与家庭。
: LeBron, you came home and delivered the ultimate goal. Nothing but appreciation and gratitude for everything you put into every moment you spent in a Cavali
: ers uniform. We look forward to the retirement of the famous #23 Cavs jersey o
: ne day down the line...”
: 姆斯,你回归家乡并且完成了终极目标。对于你身穿骑士球衣所付出的时间与所做的一切
: ,只有由衷的感谢与感激。我们会等待并倒数着骑士队最有名的23号球衣高挂球场的那天
: ....
: Dan Gilbert
: Chairman Cleveland Cavaliers
: 克里夫兰骑士主席
只会组团拿冠军 谁不会?
就算是96年公牛来打 也是毫无胜算
除非 MJ+魔术+马龙 才有一搏的实力
报团拿的冠军 就是垃圾冠军
就算之后 KD + Curry再多拿5座冠军
全部的冠军加起来 也比不上LBJ在骑士拿的这一冠
人性光辉的 1冠 >>>>>>>>> 人性丑恶抱团 3-7冠
以后的历史讲到骑士的1冠 就会想到 承诺 伟大 挑战 勇气...
讲到勇士的3-7冠 就会想到 卑鄙 垃圾 抱团 舒适 杯子蛋糕...