[情报] 独行侠希望于这周完成D.Jordan的交易

楼主: Zutter77 (猪排咖哩)   2018-06-28 10:49:13
Marc Stein的消息
The Dallas Mavericks are actively exploring trade possibilities with the Los Ang
eles Clippers and the former All-N.B.A. center DeAndre Jordan in hopes of findin
g a workable deal to acquire Jordan this week, according to two people familiar
with the discussions.
根据两位贴近此交易的消息人士,小牛正在探索有关于快艇中锋DeAndre Jordan的交易,希
If Jordan decides to pass on the option, Dallas would be forced to try to sign h
im in free agency. Other potential frontcourt targets for the Mavericks in that
scenario include the All-Star big man DeMarcus Cousins of the New Orleans Pelica
ns and the restricted free agent Clint Capela of the Houston Rockets.
如果Jordan选择不执行球员选项,小牛就必须透过自由市场来签下他,其他包含DeMarcus C
ousins和Clint Capela都是小牛最主要的目标
The Clippers have granted permission to Jordan and his New York-based agent, Jef
f Schwartz, to explore trade scenarios with other teams as they weigh the pros a
nd cons of opting into the final season of Jordan’s current contract, according
to the people. The All-Star guard Chris Paul made a similar move with the Clipp
ers a year ago, opting into the final season of his contract as a prelude to his
trade to the Houston Rockets just days before he was to become an unrestricted
free agent
作者: IngramBrando (IG)   2018-06-28 10:51:00
作者: GaryCrawford (Gary)   2018-06-28 10:52:00
没意外是Mathew为主的交易包裹小牛还有一真正资产 Powell阿我猜马修+DP+先签Noel+二轮签换DP其实可以赌 他也便宜 符合现代的球风要不是拿来换守信乔 不然牛迷也不希望丢他出去阿马修看起来不是正资产 但是快艇交易到他后 一定还会再拿去交易的马修有一个很不错的交易价值就是他是到期约马修快艇收完 还是可以再转手拿去帮一些需要清掉薪资空间的队伍 换签而且马修也不算是完全不能打的那种 价值没这么差我猜快艇会要 这不是我在幻想因为交易绝对不是只看当下那笔 还有后续的操作先交易马修 再拿马修去跟其他队换烂约回来+签马修+DP+Noel(签换)+二轮签 我猜是这样主要是还能多拿到DPDP是真的不错 蛮符合现代球风的DP也是正资产阿总之是蛮支持这操作的 然后还能再去抢Favors Randle只要不出到首轮跟小鸡 其他好说
作者: sustainer123 (caster)   2018-06-28 11:40:00
作者: GaryCrawford (Gary)   2018-06-28 11:41:00
这样Len也可以签来当替补还有勇士队那个鲁尼 也可以签来当替补小牛现在4号 还有Kleber 其实也不到这么缺就是了
作者: morgan840612 (mei)   2018-06-28 12:41:00
独迷最爱酸当初好险DAJ没来 现在跪着求他来 好可悲

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