artpoet (灵魂之舞)
2018-06-15 13:55:35※ 引述《Joseph5566 (约瑟夫5566)》之铭言:
: 媒体发问:哪支球队是史上最佳?
: https://imgur.com/XdbXiPG
: 虎扑6月15日讯 今日,Sports Center官方Instagram上传了一张史上最佳的前5支球队的
: 合集(见新闻配图)。排在第一的是2016-17赛季的金州勇士队,排在第二的是1995-96赛
: 季的芝加哥公牛队,排在第三的是1985-86赛季的波士顿塞尔提克队,排在第四的是
: 1986-87赛季的洛杉矶湖人队,排在第五的则是1966-67赛季的费城76人队。
: “你们同意吗?”Sports Center官方写道。
: https://voice.hupu.com/nba/2311805.html
这个排名是ESPN Staff Writer Kevin Pelton所发表的
For champions, I took the average of their point differential during the
regular season and their point differential in the playoffs plus the point
differential of their opponents. That tells us how many points per game
better than an average team each champion was, giving equal weight to the
postseason as the regular season to reward the most important games.
For non-champions, the starting point is the same, but their playoff
differential was also adjusted by effectively giving them a five-point loss
for each game they came up short of the title. That has little impact on
teams like the 2012-13 San Antonio Spurs , who lost in Game 7 of the Finals,
but it harshly penalizes teams that rolled up big victory margins early in
the playoffs before falling short in the conference finals.
The last adjustment deals with leaguewide quality of play. It's no surprise
that some of the greatest single-season team performances in NBA history came
in the early 1970s, when the league had expanded quickly and also battled the
ABA for incoming draft picks. The redistribution of talent allowed stars to
shine even more brightly. For each season, I measured how players saw their
minutes per game increase or decrease the following season as compared to
what we'd expect given their age. More minutes suggests a weaker league,
while fewer minutes suggests one that's gotten stronger.
Each season is rated relative to 2017-18, from a high of 21 percent stronger
in 1965-66, the last year the NBA had just nine teams, to a low of 10 percent
weaker in 2004-05, the last time the league expanded . That adjustment is
multiplied by the team's average regular-season and playoff scores to give a
final rating better than an average team this season.
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