fknm (啊嘶...够了没?)
2018-06-07 23:05:41"You can tell," Warriors rookie Jordan Bell says. "Last game, Jordan Clarkson
had came in. I think he missed like two shots, and I looked up—he was out of
the game. I was like, 'Damn, he got pulled already, just for missing two
shots?' I guess when you play with LeBron, all you have to do is just catch
and shoot. If you're not doing that well, I guess you got to come out."
No one is fretting much over Nick Young's 1-of-9 shooting. "This is a blessing
—that's it," Bell says with a smile. "There's no curse."
Jordan Bell:“你可以感觉到,上场比赛Jordan Clarkson被换上场,我记得他好像才两
当Nick Young 9投1中时,也不会有人去责怪他。Jordan Bell微笑说:“这是一种幸运,
其他后卫很强也是帅哥会用啊 没看到矮汤去骑士之后被嫌弃成这样矮汤在赛队多厉害你看过吗Rozier之前可是在冰箱的底层我不太相信Rozier跟Smart到别队能打得一样好就是了Smart那种出手选择跟命中率在骑士的话...球迷大概会吐血而死Rozier也是个骰子型球员,看看他精美的命中率不是说他们很烂什么的,我就蛮喜欢他们的,只是想让没有长期关注赛队的球迷知道,他们真的没有那么神猛哪个球员准起来不恐怖啦...JR也准过啊骑士签来的都很贵?Jeff Green, D Wade, 卡跌龙,Rose表示:LBJ当初不要赶Blatt,不要干预JR, TT跟Iman的签约,他跟球团现在应该也会舒适很多lon0623: 那种假设性的言论算了吧,。然后又问我们如果我们是LBJ...