※ 引述《Preach (温哥华八弟)》之铭言:
: https://tinyurl.com/yajkyz3s 文章在这
: 事发影片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfZur-aNmo8
: 下面不少网友看了影片的嘴型都觉得这翻译正确率颇高 所以分享下
: Roughly the exchange
: 大致内容如下
: Curry: "Goaltending"
: Curry:勾天顶
: LeBron: "No goaltending that was all ball."
: LBJ:没有勾天顶 这球干净的很
: Curry: "Bullshit. That was a goaltend, why you lying?"
: Curry: 豪洨~这就就是勾天顶,你干嘛嘎郎骗?
: Lebron: "I blocked the shot. Get away from me." shoves Curry
: LBJ:我盖了这球火锅, 滚喇 推了一下curry
: Thompson(To Curry): "Ay, come on man stop it."
: KT跟Curry说:矮~ 哥别闹了 停啦
: Curry laughs at LeBron
: Curry对LeBron笑呵呵
: Thompson (to Lebron): "He's [Curry] playing around"
: KT对LBJ说:他在野小啦~ (感觉台语的最能够表达原意,就是不严肃的玩耍)
: Curry (to Lebron): "I'm just asking you."
: Curry对LBJ说:我就问你咩
: LeBron(to Thompson, ignoring Curry)
: "That's fine! This is pro basketball though man."
: LBJ对KT讲(忽略了Curry): 喔这样喔 这是职业篮球诶 (回应KT说cuurry野小)
: Thompson(to Lebron): "He's playing" shrugs
: KT对LBJ说:他就野小.. KT耸耸肩
: LeBron: "I know he thinks that it's funny but it's not."
: LBJ:我知道Curry觉得很好笑 但一点都不好笑
: Thompson: shrugs
: KT 再次耸耸肩
: LeBron: "I got it."
: 朕知道了
: Thompson: "I thought it was a good play." shrugs
: KT:我觉得那火锅是很好的play KT又耸耸肩
: LeBron: "Exactly, I got it, I got it"
: 没错就是个好火锅 朕知道你意思了拉 朕知道了啦
: Curry感觉只是想半开玩笑乱嘴一下 但LBJ不领情 KT出来打圆场希望大家peace
: 殊不知后来又打起来就是了...
: 但reddit网友也讲得很好 你拼死拼活拿50分然后被笨队友搞掉 是谁都没心情开玩笑
节录一些这篇下面reddit网友的回文 很嘴
[–]SpursS_S_N_Reviews 612 指标 2 天前
Lebron is FOR SURE that dude at the park that you can't joke
with when he's losing.
[–]sunnygoodgestreet726 1043 指标 2 天前
LeBron don't lose at the park bro
[–]wrxwrx 314 指标 2 天前
He would if we had an NBA ref at that game.
[–][SAC] Vince Carterluciferbanjos 242 指标 2 天前
Or JR Smith on his team