[花边] 记者问Pop是否仍然喜欢执教

楼主: love1500274 (CoWuCoWu)   2018-04-17 17:30:36
来源: https://tinyurl.com/ybn2dkcz (FB:Sports Illustrated)
Gregg Popovich when asked if he still enjoys coaching.
Are you serious? This is the easiest job anybody could have,I mean compared to
a lot of things. Right? I mean I got flown out here on a private plane, you
know a charter. I didn't pay it's free, it's big. They had food on there, it's
free. I landed they put me in a Four Seasons Hotel I didn't pay a penny for
that. I went to the game at a front-row seat, I got to watch a NBA playoff
game. I didn't even pay for the tickets. Afterwards, I hit three or four
restaurant and then had my main meal at about 8:30. This hotel still let me in
and didn't make me pay. I get up this morning and there's breakfast and it was
free, and I'm gonna go out and the worst part of this trip. I'm gonna have to
go pay for my lunch. So I don't know what happened there, how can you hate
that job.
你认真吗?和其他的事情比起来,这是任何人都可以做到最简单的工作 对吧?
我搭乘私人包机来到这 还不用付钱 而且飞机还很大!
下了飞机 他们还安排我入住四季饭店 而且我一毛钱都不用花
我还可以坐在前排 看NBA季后赛,甚至不用花钱买门票
看完比赛后 还去了餐厅用餐
早上起床后 还有免费早餐吃
但最糟的部分 就是我要自己付午餐
所以 你怎么会恨这份工作呢
五分钟版完整板影片: https://youtu.be/Y6bKIlK7lE0
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