[外电] CJ McCollum暗示 Kawhi将去加州

楼主: peter080808 (peter)   2018-04-05 21:04:21
来源:News 4 San Antonio
Blazers' McCollum on Kawhi Leonard's future: 'Lots of cap space in California'
Nowadays it seems everyone has an opinion on the situation between the San
Antonio Spurs and Kawhi Leonard.
Will he remain in S.A.? Will he sign the "Super Max" deal if offered by the
Spurs? Will he leave the Spurs?
There have been plenty of debate and rumors abound and the latest comes from
Blazers guard CJ McCollum.
On his new show, "Pull Up" podcast, CJ weighed in on Kawhi's future implying
he could be home bound to California bound to join the Lakers and be offered
plenty of money with their cap space.
最新的传闻来自拓荒者后卫CJ McCollum
他在Pull Up广播节目中暗示Kawhi会加入LA 湖人队并得到高额薪资
CJ McCollum:
“It’s a very sticky situation right now in San Antonio,
I’m gonna put it like this...
He’s from California, lot of cap space out there in California”
CJ McCollum:
圣安东尼奥目前的情况非常艰难,我会这样讲:他来自加州 现在加州很多钱
McCollum isn't the first player to imply Kawhi is leaving San Antonio.
Former NBA guard Nate Robinson started a firestorm recently claiming Leonard
is heading to California for a "big bag" of money.
前球员Nate Robinson也暗示Kawhi会去加州赚大钱
It should be noted that Spurs' Danny Green was a guest on Fox Sports' Chris
Broussard’s "In the Zone" podcast, saying there's nothing to worry about
including how Kawhi is still with the team, here is no issues between him and
the team. and that he is teaching the young players in practice and being
马刺队的Danny Green先前表示马刺队和Kawhi之间没任何问题
In the end, all that matters is this summer.
If the Spurs do offer Kawhi the "Super Max" deal, Kawhi's decision to accept
or decline will tell everyone where he stands with the Spurs.
作者: GorgeousRose (Never Give Up)   2018-04-05 21:05:00
来了 下一篇要去哪zz
作者: aa01081008tw   2018-04-05 21:22:00
作者: bernie880303 (Bernie)   2018-04-05 21:56:00
作者: jeffery95099 (哈哈肥宅哈哈)   2018-04-05 22:11:00
是去勇士吧 打不赢zaza只好加入
作者: sylviehsiang (Shawn)   2018-04-05 22:37:00
作者: godzilla0204   2018-04-06 01:36:00

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