※ 引述《cliffman1004 (Huzt)》之铭言:
: https://goo.gl/wgYL2V
: Jon Wertheim 及Jessica Luther 于Sports Illustrated 的报导中指出达拉斯独行侠队
: 中不良工作氛围,其中包含对组织员工性骚扰及涉嫌暴力。
: Interviews with more than a dozen former and current Mavericks employees in
: different departments, conducted during a months-long SPORTS ILLUSTRATED
: investigation, paint a picture of a corporate culture rife with misogyny and
: predatory sexual behavior: alleged public fondling by the team president;
: outright domestic assault by a high-profile member of the Mavs.com staff;
: unsupportive or even intimidating responses from superiors who heard
: complaints of inappropriate behavior from their employees; even an employee
: who openly watched pornography at his desk.
: 经SI调查及访问数十位离职及在职员工后,可以独行侠办公室中腐败的文化中充满厌女主
: 义及性骚扰举动。其中包含:公然抚摸及暴力行径,然而对此的诸多投诉却不被上层所受
: 理或是恐吓威胁,其中甚至公然于投诉者的办公桌旁公然观看情色内容。
: 员工形容此办公室文化仿佛是"动物屋(色情喜剧)"真实版及"公开的秘密"。其中诸多指控
: 都是针对于2015年辞职的前任队主席及CEOTerdema Ussery。
: One shared that Ussery had repeatedly propositioned her for sex, even
: offering to leave his marriage if the woman relented—an account the second
: woman confirmed to SPORTS ILLUSTRATED for this story. Another woman shared
: that Ussery’s inappropriate behavior was one of the reasons she was quitting
: her sales job after more than a decade.
: Ussery遭指出不断对她提出性要求。另一名女性则说明Ussery是她放弃长达数十年工作经
: 历的原因。
: 在SI的该篇报导发布前,达拉斯独行侠官方释出发言将对此进行"彻底及独立的调查"
: The Mavericks organization takes these allegations extremely seriously.
: Yesterday we notified the league office and immediately hired outside counsel
: to conduct a thorough and independent investigation. The investigation will
: focus on the specific allegations related to this former employee, and will
: look more broadly at our company’s workplace practices and policies. In
: addition, an employee whose job was to receive and investigate such
: complaints and report them accurately and fully, has been suspended pending
: the conclusion of our investigation.
: 独行侠团队非常认真地看待此指控,已立即聘请外部律师进行独立及彻底的调查,将关注
: 与Ussery有关的具体指控,同时扩大调查办公室文化及政策。
: 独行侠老板 Mark Cuban主张他对于此"腐败的办公室文化"毫不知情,这一切都是"新"闻
: 。
: Cuban再说他对此感到难堪及此办公室文化必须受到"指正"。人资部门首长Buddy Pittman
: 在报导出现后随即遭解职。
: NBA联盟于周二官方发布调查达拉斯独行侠之不当行为。
: --------------------------------
: At this meal, with ESPN crew members seated nearby, Ussery struck up an
: unusual conversation. As the woman recalls the exchange, Ussery claimed that
: he knew what she was going to do over the coming weekend. When the woman
: asked, confusedly, what Ussery meant, he smiled.
: “You’re going to get gang-banged,” he asserted, “aren’t you?”
: “No,” the woman responded, caught off-guard. “Actually, I’m going to the
: movies with friends.”
: “No,” Ussery insisted. “You’re definitely getting gang-banged.”
: 以上节录自SI原文报导Useery性骚扰新进女员工
: Ussery:"妳等等是要去搞群交对巴?"
: 措手不及的女员工:"不,其实我等等要去和朋友一起看电影。"
: Ussery:"不,妳一定是要去搞群交。"
作独行侠,那达拉斯这支 Maverick"s" 代表着一群的独行侠,那独行侠还是独行侠?