Prestige (面包师路非)
2018-02-14 18:14:48真奇怪 这篇这么多推
换个场景到NBA 反而一堆人赞同
否则这种差别待遇 很明显就是不尊重
教练要怎么干 除了老板 别人也管不著
不会因为对手弱 就合理化你不尊重的行为
※ 引述《pneumo (超☆冒险盖)》之铭言:
: 来源: The Mercury News
: 网址:https://tinyurl.com/ydbgkcvg
: TNT’s Reggie Miller, Chris Webber defend Steve Kerr allowing players to run
: huddles in win over Suns
: Reggie Miller跟Chris Webber对于勇士教练让球员拿战术板的看法
: OAKLAND — The question caused TNT analysts Reggie Miller and Chris Webber to
: laugh loudly, defend Warriors coach Steve Kerr and strongly criticize the
: Phoenix Suns.
: 对于勇士球员拿战术板这个问题,Reggie Miller跟Chris Webber先是大笑,然后帮捍卫勇
: 士教练Kerr的说法,然后抨击凤凰城太阳队。
: What did the former NBA stars think of Kerr allowing his players to run the
: huddles during the team’s 129-83 victory over the Suns on Monday? After both
: laughed for nearly five seconds, both Miller and Webber strongly defended Kerr
: ’s coaching tactics, while dismissing Suns players that considered the move
: to be disrespectful.
: 到底这两位前NBA明星球员对于星期一晚上勇士129-83击败太阳勇士教练让他的球员指导战
: 术有什么意见? 两个人先是大笑了近五秒后,两个都是站在勇士教练Kerr这边,然后不认
: 同太阳球员说是不尊重对手的说法。
: “You can’t be sensitive. That’s the problem with these young guys,”
: Miller said on a conference call on Tuesday to promote TNT’s coverage of NBA
: All-Star weekend in Los Angeles. “You can’t be sensitive. Stop crying. Play
: better. Work harder together.”
: “人不要太敏感,那是现在这些年轻球员的问题,”Miller在星期二的电话会议谈到。“
: 不要太敏感,不要在那边哭哭,把球打好,努力一点。”
: NBA TV analyst and former NBA coach Sam Mitchell said Kerr’s tactic
: disrespected both the coaching profession and the Suns. Though Suns coach Jay
: Triano and guard Devin Booker told ESPN they did not fault Kerr for his
: coaching decision, Suns forward Jared Dudley said the tactic “shows a lack
: of respect for the opponent.” Suns guard Troy Daniels told the Arizona
: Republic, “It’s disrespectful. I don’t think it’s hard to coach those
: guys, though. So I think anybody can do it.”
: 球评也是前NBA教练Sam Mitchell说Kerr这样的行为既不尊重教练这个专业,也不尊重太
: 阳。虽然太阳教练Jay Triano跟后卫Booker说他们不会怪罪Kerr,但是太阳前锋Dudley说
: 这样的手法"显示对手的不尊重"。太阳后卫Troy Daniels跟记者说,“这是不尊重,我
: 不认为要执教那些球员很难,每个人都可以做得到。”
: Webber argued the Suns’ reaction “shows to me that you were on those teams
: that got trophies for just coming to the tournament.” Miller laughed and
: then interjected: “participation trophies!”
: Webber认为太阳对这件事的反应,“对我来说,代表了那些队伍只是能拿参加奖的队伍
: Miller大笑然后插话:“参~加~奖~!”
: “Yeah, participation trophies,” Webber said. “We don’t cry about losing
: like that in the NBA. This isn’t college football where guys are scared to
: run it up [on the scoreboard]. No, you run it up. There’s a 24-second shot
: clock for a reason.”
: “是啊!参~加~奖~!”Webber说。“我们在NBA输球,不会因为那种事在那边哭哭啼啼。
: 这不是大学美式足球比赛,大学球员会怕去跑战术。不是好吗?就是要来跑战术,24秒攻
: 击时间不是没有理由的好吗?”
: For nearly 7 1/2 minutes, Webber and Miller criticized the Suns (18-40) for
: having the second-worst record in the Western Conference while defending Kerr
: ’s methods. Though the Warriors (44-13) have the NBA’s best record, they
: have fought season-long complacency after winning two NBA titles in the past
: three years. The Warriors became more concerned with that trend after losing
: three games in a recent four-game stretch.
: 在近7分半钟,Webber跟Miller数落了太阳的战绩,西区倒数第二,然后替Kerr说话。虽然
: 勇士目前战绩领先,他们目前则是要与三年两冠显得太过自满而奋斗,勇士目前要关心的
: 是在近四场比赛输了三场。
: “I like the message that Steve Kerr [sent],” Miller said. “Look, his voice
: is not resonating in that locker room. So why not change something up?”
: “我喜欢教练Kerr借此传达出的讯息,”Miller说。“好,他的话在休息室没人听,那就
: 换个方式看看。”
: So instead, Kerr had veteran forward Andre Iguodala organize morning
: shootaround while veteran center JaVale McGee led film study. During
: timeouts, Kerr handed his clipboard to his veterans to draw up plays on a
: clipboard while his staff stood off to the side. Iguodala, Draymond Green and
: David West spoke the most during timeouts, showing both their assertive
: personalities, experience and basketball IQs.
: 所以,Kerr让老将小AI组织那天早上的投球练习,MyBoy负责影片研究。在暂停时,Kerr将
: 战术板给老将们,让他们画战术,他和他的教练团则站在旁边。小AI,嘴绿跟大卫西负责
: 大部份的暂停时间,展现他们坚毅的人格特质,打球经验以及高球商。
: “Kerr knows his guys better than anyone. Very honestly, I think it was a
: brilliant move as far as chemistry,” Webber said. “But I don’t think it
: was a stretch as far as IQ. You’re halfway through the season. You know what
: plays you call. You know when you have a good coach like Kerr with what he
: has been harping on. All it does is make you take ownership in what he’s
: been trying to teach the whole time. So instead of him getting on a pedestal
: and preaching it to you from a distance and you don’t want to hear it, he
: says, ‘Okay, you’re handling it yourself and you have to go back to the
: tenets that got you here.’ That’s simple to me.”
: “Kerr是最了他的球员的人,老实说,我认为这个方式就球队氛围来说会非常好,”
: Webber说。“但我认为讲到球商就有点过头了。球季已经打了一半,大家都知道该要下哪
: 种战术了。有像Kerr这样的好教练,整个球季都不停的在提醒球员。他只是让球员自己来
: 做他一直在做的事,所以,与其让他不停的在场边,不停的对球员絮絮叨叨一些球员不想
: 听的,他干脆,‘好,那你们干脆自己来,这样你们才会回到最初我们如何走到这里的基
: 本原则。’对我来说就是那么简单。”
: Such tactics reminded Miller of Spurs coach Gregg Popovich allowing veteran
: guards Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili to lead timeouts in recent seasons.
: Though Kerr said he never experienced that when he played for Popovich in two
: separate stints (1999-2001, 2002-03), Kerr said that Popovich occasionally
: allowed his assistants to take charge during timeouts.
: 这样的做法让Miller想起马刺波波教练也曾在近几季会让老将Parker跟Manu在暂停时主
: 导,虽然Kerr说他两次为波波效力的时候没有碰过,但是Kerr说波波有时会让助理教练主
: 导暂停时间。
: “Everyone was saying, ‘Pop is a genius. Look at the guys running the huddle
: during these games.'” Miller said. “But when the Golden State Warriors and
: Steve Kerr and those guys do it, it’s, ‘Oh my God, they’re showing up the
: Phoenix Suns.’ What’s the difference? Steve Kerr learned under Gregg
: Popovich. That’s probably where he got it from. What is the difference?”
: “每个人都说,‘波总是个天才。看啊!他的球员在一些比赛时主导战术。’”Miller
: 说。“但是当勇士教练Kerr跟球员做一样的事情时,就变成了,‘我的老天鹅,他们就是
: 炫耀给太阳看啦!’这到底有啥差别?Kerr师承波总,那可能就是从波总那边学来的,这
: 两个有差吗?”
: Miller conceded uncertainty if Kerr would allow his players to take control
: of the huddles during timeouts against more marquee opponents, including the
: Houston Rockets (42-13) or the San Antonio Spurs (35-23). But then again,
: Miller argued, who cares?
: Miller承认,他不确定Kerr如果对打其他比较强的队伍,像是火箭或是马刺,会不会让球
: 员再来主导暂停时间。不过,Miller说,“谁在意啊?”
: “This is not something that is going to happen every game,” Miller said. “
: It happens in one particular game and you all got your heads beaten in. But
: that’s disrespectful to ya’ll? How about not losing by 25-plus points?”
: “这又不是每一场都会发生的状况,”Miller说。“那只是发生在一场比赛而已,然后大
: 家就整个脑冲了。但那对大家有不敬吗? 拜托先不要输球输25+好吗?”
: Miller then reflected on his Hall-of-Fame career with the Indiana Pacers
: (1987-2005) where he played for various established coaches.
: Miller讲到在溜马跟不同教练打球的经验。
: “A coach is just a figure head. He draws up the X’s and O’s. But I
: guarantee you. If there is something that Larry Bird, Dr. Jack Ramsey, Rick
: Carlisle, if they drew up a play and I didn’t like it during the huddle, I
: guarantee you I was voicing my opinion,” Miller said. “What is the
: difference? Players run the game, regardless. A head coach is just a figure
: head. So you can’t be upset or embarrassed that players are running the
: huddles.”
: “教练只是个象征性,他会画一些圈圈和叉叉。但是我保证,即使像大鸟柏德,或是Dr.
: Jack Ramsey或是Rick Carlisle画出一些战术我不是太同意,我会表示我的意见的。”
: Miller说。“那有什么差别吗? 球员是实际上跑战术的人,教练只是个象征,所以球员在
: 讲战术的时候,不应该要觉得不爽或是尴尬的。”
: Some have become upset, though.
: 有些人是真的不爽。
: “The fact that Phoenix [complained] shows they have a long way to go in the
: locker room,” Webber said. “They don’t have a leader in the locker room
: that says, ‘We deserve to get our butts beat like that. In a couple of
: years, we’re going to turn it around so we can coach ourselves.’ So I have
: no words for that, but it’s not right.”
: “太阳队抱怨只代表了他们还有很长一段路要走,”Webber说。“他们在休息室没有一个
: 领导,然后出来说,‘打成这样真的是我们活该。再过几年,我们要把情况扭转,所以我
: 们也可以做自己的教练。”我对那种行为没话可说,只是那是不对的。”
: So, Miller talked instead.
: Miller继续说。
: “Fuel this for down the road,” Miller said. “You’re a young team. Have a
: long memory. Remember that the Warriors did that. This should be a sense of
: motivation toward you.”
: “把这当作进步的动力,”Miller说。“这是年轻的队伍,把这件事记牢,记得勇士做过
: 这样的事,那会成为动力。”
: During the conference call, Miller frequently asked a reporter to look up how
: many times the Suns lost games by double digit margins and by at least 30
: points. Phoenix has lost 26 games by double-digit margins and has suffered
: 30-point plus blowouts in six games. Two days after losing by 48 points to
: San Antonio, the Suns then lost by 46 points to Golden State.
: 在那场电话会谈,Miller不时的问记者,去查一下太阳输两位数以上跟超过三十分的场
: 次。太阳输了26场两位数比数的比赛,六场超过30分的。太阳先是以48分输给马刺,两天
: 后以46分输给勇士。
: “Are you kidding me?” Miller said. “Get on a line and do a suicide and
: shut up. Are you kidding me, man?”
: “你在开玩笑吗?”Miller说。“去排队练折返跑好吗? 闭上你的嘴,开什么玩笑?”
: If he were still playing, Miller said he would have forced his teammates to
: work out as soon as the plane landed after losing by such a margin.
: Miller说若是他还在打球的话,在输成那样大比分后,他会一下飞机就把队友拉去训练。
: “Lace them up. 3 o’clock in the morning,” Miller said. “We’re doing
: [running drills] and then we’re going to run Camelback Mountain. I don’t
: want to hear your mouths. Are you kidding me? [26 double-digit losses], and
: you’re worried about Andre Iguodala coaching and David West coaching?”
: “把他们带上,凌晨3点集合,”Miller说。“我们要跑练习,然后我们要去跑山路,我
: 不要听到一个抱怨,开什么玩笑?26场两位数输球?然后你现在在哭说小AI跟大卫西在教
: 战术?”
: Webber interjected, “You’re worried about the champions.” Miller added, “
: They never should’ve put me on this conference call.”
: Webber插话,“你应该要担心冠军杯这件事。”Miller更说,“我不应该被邀请上这个电
: 话会谈的。”
: “That’s funny,” Webber said. “That shows you what their practices are
: like. I bet they cry for fouls all day long in practice.”
: “那真的很好笑,”Webber说。“那只代表了他们练习的程度,我打赌,在平常练习,他
: 们大概不停的哭说谁犯规了。”
: Then, the laughter subsided. After 7 1/2 minutes, Miller and Webber made
: their points pretty clear.
: 然后在一阵大笑后电话会谈结束。在这7分半钟,Miller跟Webber的意见看起来很清楚了。