※ 引述《arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard头号粉丝)》之铭言:
: http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20180213001953-260403
: 虽然骑士获得补强,火箭根基稳固,但柯瑞对勇士依旧信心十足。柯瑞说,我们的阵容本就
: 相当整齐,不像其他球队胡乱更替球员,如同大锅菜般乱吵一通,然后希望奇蹟出现,最终
: 我们会先把目标锁定西区决赛,然后才试图寻求卫冕。
“We feel like we have the unit obviously to do that,” said Curry. “
We didn’t make any moves or whatnot. I would assume most teams keep
throwing stuff in the pot, stir it up and see if they could make magic
happen. It’s what the NBA’s all about. At the end of the day, we know what
our journey is in the Western Conference, (to) try to get back to the Finals.
It’s going to be tough no matter who we play. And that never changes for us.”
虽然记者翻译跟原文出入不大 但是原文根本没有提到"奇蹟"也没有说"胡乱"
咖哩是说大家都持续的把新材料放入锅中炖煮 看看能不能有魔术发生
(画面请想像巫师制作灵药) 这本来就是NBA的本质
: 我们的阵容相当整齐