克里夫兰记者Will Burgeups:
Dans been saying to anyone who will listen he doesnt care if LBJ leaves cuz “
we got one” and the they have the Nets pick. And thats his right but hes
letting ego get in the way of winning. And winning aint happening after LBJ
leaves thats for sure
骑士老板给身边的人说他不在乎LBJ是否离开,因为“我们还有篮网签”。 这当然是他的
He couldnt stand Griff getting credit for the championship and wants to be
known as “the Jerry Jones of the NBA”. His words not mine. Talk to anyone
high up in the org and theyll tell you what a disaster this year has been.
Total ego stroke
骑士老板无法容忍Griffin(骑士前总经理)收获了冠军的美誉,想要成为NBA的Jerry Jones
And I might get my people in trouble with these tweets but I dont care. The
shit is ridiculous. The guy has a puppet as a GM who has zero power. Dans
calling all the shots on the basketball side now. Good luck w that
个没有实权的总经理作为木偶,现在Dan Gilbert在做球队关于篮球的一切决定。
And if you dont believe me, ask Chauncy Billups. Hes the one who had to wait
almost 4 hours for his interview in Independence. Someone hadnt woke up from
his nap from the night before yet
如果你们不相信我就去问问Chauncy Billups,他去骑士工作面试,在球队球馆里被晾了
I know hes at fault too, but if im LBJ I request a trade to Houston at half
and walk down the hall