Phater (肥特)
2018-01-27 04:59:41Inside The NBA: Chuck On The Cavaliers
"These guys trying to blame all their ills on Kevin Love, I've had enough of
it. Now i got a list of guys that i dont know what happened to them. But
they've been MIA, they are on milk carton somewhere. Tristan Thompson, what
happened to you? Jae Crowder, what happened to you? JR, Iman Shumpert,
Channing Frye....For you guys to go after Kevin Love, hey the guy said he's
sick then he's sick, second-best player on the team, that's just bogus and
lightweight. To try to blame that guy because y'all stink, that ain't right
and I ain't having it."
我受够了这些骑士球员把他们的问题都归罪到Kevin Love头上. 我可以列出一堆最近神隐
的球员. Tristan Thompson,你怎么了? Jae Crowder,你还好吗? JR, Shumpert, Frye...
你们排挤Love,说他装病. 你们没有表现居然怪罪到球队第二人头上,这实在很卒仔. 我实