djviva (时鼠无奈)
2017-12-18 13:08:56Here's the piece of advice Kobe Bryant gave Kevin Durant when he joined the
Warriors https://tinyurl.com/y93jwnvz
So when Kevin Durant got a message from Bryant following his decision to join
the Warriors, he listened to what he had to say. This was a player that had
seen it all and just finished up a historic NBA career. That's not advice to
be taken lightly. Via the Bay Area News Group:
当KD决定要加盟勇士后, 收到了来自Kobe的短信
"'It's to quiet the noise,'" Bryant recalled telling Durant in an interview
with Bay Area News Group. "'At the end of day, what people say is
Kobe的短信说到:"别理会别去听那些噪音, 到最后, 他们说的那些都没意义了"
"Having Kobe there to support me through that situation, it felt like him
telling me, 'All right, your skills are good enough to be among some of the
best,'" Durant told the Bay Area News Group. "'You just have to keep working
to stay there.'"
KD表示:"能在那时获得Kobe的支持, 就像是他在跟我说.....
'你的球技是历史级别的好, 你只要继续努力维持就够了'"
有没有人跟我一样感觉, 我看了三四遍都觉得KD是不是脑补太多会错意了....??