Wall62 2017-11-03 21:58:15https://goo.gl/uPjFrB
When Tiger Woods is making a Masters run, the world should stop to watch.
Not everyone agrees with this, but count current L.A. Clippers head coach Doc
Rivers as one who does.
Rivers, who has been a "Feherty" guest, tells a story in the video above of
when he tried to get ejected from a game, as then coach of the Boston
Celtics, after being told Tiger was challenging at Augusta.
Doc Rivers还在塞尔提克当教练的时候曾经为了要看Tiger Woods的比赛而尝试让自己
影片里面他有说球季末大概剩4场比赛 季后赛席次大致底定
中场休息的时候Ainge跟他说Tiger Woods要比赛了
在第三节刚开始的时候他想办法大吼大叫 但是裁判盯着他看 毫无反应
后来在一次罚球的时候裁判把他叫过去 说他(裁判)也想看