neak (neak)
2017-10-06 14:52:09关于林书豪的发型风波,版上已经有很多文章了,林自己也亲上火线写了篇文章,甚至也有
So … About My Hair by Jeremy Lin
Oct 3 2017
So … I have dreads now.
And you probably have some questions and comments. I definitely want to hear
But first, really quick, I hope I can take you back through my journey to get
I never thought I’d ever think so much about hair. Honestly, at first I was
surprised anyone would care what I did with my hair. When I started growing it
out a few years ago in Charlotte, it was just something I was doing with six of
my family members and friends. It was meant to be fun, and to be an expression
of freedom.
的关注吓到了。当我前几年在 Charlotte 开始留头发的时候,原本只是我跟六个家人及朋
I didn’t really plan for it to be anything more than that.
Then I kept going with it and it started to become … a thing. Looking back, I
can see why my hairstyles turned some heads. (What was I thinking here?) But I
liked how the process of changing my look actually made me feel more like
myself again. I realized that in the years since Linsanity, I had spent a lot
of time in a box, worrying about other people’s opinions on what I should and
shouldn’t be doing. I wanted to stop basing my decisions so much on what
strangers or critics might say about me. It was cool how something as simple as
how I wore my hair could pull me out of my comfort zone and make me feel more
free. Before I got older and had a family and kids and all of that, I wanted to
be able to say to myself, Who cares what anyone else thinks? For me, the
different hairstyles became a fun way to do that.
人侧目 (我到底那时候在想什么? )
People definitely had a lot of opinions about my hair. A lot of people didn’t
like what I was doing — they sometimes questioned my judgment. The loudest
person in this camp was my own mom. At one point, I even challenged myself to
rock a double ponytail (I know, I know) just to test whether I was truly past
the point of obsessing over outside approval. And yeah, maybe the whole thing
seemed like it was a stunt to get attention. I can understand that view … even
if I knew that it wasn’t my real motivation. Over time it stopped bothering me
when people made fun of me — the whole point was for me to enjoy being myself,
no matter the reaction.
见的就是我老妈。甚至有一度的我还尝试了双马尾 (我懂…我懂) 就只是想测试自己是不是
There was one type of response, however, that made me pause. With my other
hairstyles, the worst thing people said about them was like, “Dude, that looks
dumb.” But I didn’t care too much. I was doing it for me.
Friends would say things like, “Bro, what about appropriation?”
但是雷鬼头让我开始理解这是不同的领域。朋友开始质疑说‘这样会不会是文化挪用? ’
(Culture Appropriation 是指当优势族群无知而不礼貌的在不恰当的方式用少数民族的文
法上剧场的,所以白人会弄黑脸 blackface 装黑人,这个举动对黑人来说是大不敬,是提
I’ll be honest: At first I didn’t see the connection between my own hair and
cultural appropriation. Growing up, I’d only ever picked from one or two
hairstyles that were popular among my friends and family at the time. But as an
Asian-American, I do know something about cultural appropriation. I know what
it feels like when people get my culture wrong. I know how much it bothers me
when Hollywood relegates Asian people to token sidekicks, or worse, when it
takes Asian stories and tells them without Asian people. I know how it feels
when people don’t take the time to understand the people and history behind my
culture. I’ve felt how hurtful it is when people reduce us to stereotypes of
Bruce Lee or “shrimp fried rice.” It’s easy to brush some of these things
off as “jokes,” but eventually they add up. And the full effect of them can
make you feel like you’re worth less than others, and that your voice matters
less than others.
So of course, I never want to do that to another culture.
But I had never really deeply considered how something as seemingly personal as
my hair — as an Asian-American NBA player — could affect anyone else.
Which brings me to the dreads.
Actually, it all started with braids back in Charlotte — not dreads yet. I didn
’t know much about braids, but Kemba helped me out. He even lent me one of his
do-rags because I had no idea how to care for my braids or where to get a
其实这一切都是从 Charlotte 开始的 (还没有雷鬼头之前)。我本来对辫子头不了,但是从
Kemba 获益良多。他甚至借我他的 do-rags (头巾),因为我根本就不知道怎么照顾辫子头
When I got to the Nets, the conversation continued. When I first signed in
Brooklyn, I remember talking to Rondae about hair. He told me he would grow his
hair out with me — and that he’d get dreads with me. One time, Caris chose my
braid design when I wasn’t sure what to get. Before this season, D-Lo, DeMarre
and I discussed what the process of getting dreads is like — how painful the
beginning process is, whether you could still rock a hat, how to maintain them,
things like that.
当我到Nets时,这个议题还是持续发烧。我记得当我刚签Brooklyn时跟Rondae 讨论过头发
Caris 帮我选了辫子设计。在这季开打前,我跟D-Lo 还有 DeMarre 讨论说雷鬼头的过程有
I still wasn’t sure. A recent conversation I had with Savannah Hart, a Nets
staff member who’s African-American, really resonated with me. I told her
about my thought process — how I was really unsure about getting dreads
because I was worried I’d be appropriating black culture. She said that if it
wasn’t my intention to be dismissive of another culture, then maybe it could
be an opportunity to learn about that culture.
我还是不确定,最近一次跟Nets 一个非裔美国人工作人员 Savannah Hart,让我得到很多
Savannah introduced me to Nancy Moreau — my kind and amazing braider from the
All Hair Matters Salon in Rockland County — who did my hair when I first got
to Brooklyn. Nancy is already well-known around the Nets practice facility for
doing hair for myself and the Nets staff, and the players and their children.
And Nancy gave me another push to go for dreads.
Savannah 还介绍了Rockland County的 All Hair Matters沙龙店的辫子师傅Nancy Morea
给我,我刚到Brooklyn的头就是她理的。Nancy 在Nets训练中心很有名的,她帮Nets的工作
I took some time to think about it but still had reservations. I asked Rondae
if he’d be willing to get dreads with me and he said, “Bro, I’ve been
growing my hair out for you. Let’s do it.” So this weekend, Rondae and I got
our hair dreaded — for eight hours straight.
我花了时间想了想却还有迟疑。我问Rondae 说他会不会愿意跟我一起绑雷鬼头,他说‘兄
弟,我头发留这么久就为了你啊! 来吧! ’所以这个周末我跟Rondae花了整整八小时弄了雷
At the beginning of this article, I said I wanted to hear what you think. I
truly do.
Because honestly, I may be wrong here. Maybe one day I’ll look back and laugh
at myself, or even cringe. I don’t have the answers. But I hope the thing you
take away from what I’m writing is not that everyone should feel free to get
braids or dreads — or that one gesture can smooth over the real
misunderstandings that exist in our society around race and cultural identity.
Not at all.
This process started out about hair, but it’s turned into something more for
me. I’m really grateful to my teammates and friends for being willing to help
me talk through such a difficult subject, one that I’m still learning about
and working my way through. Over the course of the last few years and all these
hairstyles, I’ve learned that there’s a difference between “not caring what
other people think” and actually trying to walk around for a while in another
person’s shoes. The conversations I had weren’t always very comfortable, and
at times I know I didn’t say the right things. But I’m glad I had them —
because I know as an Asian-American how rare it is for people to ask me about
my heritage beyond a surface level.
It’s easy to take things that we enjoy from other cultures — that’s one of
the coolest things about a melting-pot society like ours. But I think we have
to be careful that taking doesn’t become all we do. With all the division,
political turmoil and senseless violence in our society right now, we need to
talk to each other more than ever.
To listen to the real concerns of someone from a different background — and
not just their everyday, superficial experiences — that’s pretty
uncomfortable. After Linsanity, for instance, a lot of people were excited
about celebrating the underdog who happened to be a minority — which is great.
But when it comes to more complicated topics — like racial discrimination,
police brutality or the day-to-day difficulties of being a minority —
sometimes people aren’t always as interested to go there.
大家激动着庆祝林来疯这样的少数民族小虾米对上大鲸鱼的故事 (这很棒),但是对于比较
复杂的议题,譬如种族歧视、 员警暴力或作为少数的日常困难人们却不想提。
Taking the time and energy to ask about the things we don’t know may be messy
— but we don’t really have a choice. We can’t let our divisions get worse.
Again, I may not have gotten it right with my idea to get dreads. But I hope
that this is a start, not an end, to more dialogue about our differences. We
need more empathy, more compassion and less judgment. That takes actual work
and communication. So let’s start now — please join me.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this … now I’d love to hear
your thoughts. Feel free to leave a comment or question on any of my social
media platforms.
Jeremy Lin / Contributor
林书豪 笔