※ 引述《fgeorge2258 (geeeeeee)》之铭言:
: 新闻来源:https://www.thescore.com/news/1380455
: 来自the score的消息
: trump 已经在twitter上表示不会邀请勇士前往白宫
: “Going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team.Stephen Curry is hesitating,therefore invitation is withdrawn!”
: 心得:Donald Trump玩真的?
比要有意思的是 北美四大运动 NBA NHL MLB NFL 的冠军
芝加哥小熊去了,所在地伊利诺州 川普惨败 56%:38.9%
新英格兰爱国者去了自由参加,到了一半,所在地麻州 川普惨败 61% : 33.3%
匹兹堡企鹅已经表示会全员前往,所在地宾州 川普险胜0.7% 48.6% : 47.9%
勇士队所在地加州 希粉大本营 川普惨败 62%:31%
匹兹堡企鹅的声明 蛮值得学习的
“The Pittsburgh Penguins would never turn down a visit to the
White House and, if invited, we would go as a team. We respect the Office
of the Presidency of the United States and what it stands for.
Any opposition or disagreement with a president's policies,
or agenda, can be expressed in other ways.”
大概就是 白宫是一定要去的,而且要整支球队都去,这是尊重整个国家体制跟总统。
"她们才是真正的篮球CHAMPION" 之类的XD