pneumo (超☆冒险盖)
2017-09-21 10:03:31来源:The Mercury News
Kevin Durant to agent after signing with Warriors: Why did you let me do this
to my life?
去年跟勇士签约后 KD干谯他的经纪人:你怎么让我自己搞成这样?
A remorseful Kevin Durant said he hit “rock bottom” days after signing with
the Warriors, including an episode when he yelled at his closest adviser,
asking him “why did you let me do this to my life?
In an interview with San Francisco Magazine, the sensitive Warriors star
recalled how he anguished with Rich Kleiman, his business partner and agent,
while they were in China last summer for a Nike-sponsored tour. Durant was
crushed because of the immediate backlash from Oklahoma City after his
decision to leave.
最近一次与杂志的访谈,敏感的KD回忆他当时对他的生意伙伴/经纪人Rich Kleiman有多不
“To have so many people say, (expletive) you,’ that really does it to you,”
Durant told San Francisco Magazine. “Because I truly had invested
everything I had into the people I played for … and for those people that I
know and love and trust to turn their back on me after I was fully invested
in them, it was just … more than I could take. I was upset.”
“那么多人对我说**** you,那真的伤到我了,”KD说。“因为我真的对那里的人投
So upset that Kleiman told San Francisco Magazine he got a frantic phone call
in his hotel room from a frantic Durant.
“I was up at 6 a.m. and (Durant) calls me and says, ‘Yo, are you up?’ And I
’m like, ‘Yeah, what’s up?’ And he’s like (yelling), ‘Why the
(expletive) did you let me do this to my life?’ ”
“That was before I met anybody from the Warriors and dove into the culture,”
Durant said. “I was basically on my own.
“That hotel was rock bottom.”
A year later, Durant fully realizes joining the Warriors was the best career
and life decision he could make. But, as we’ve seen this week, Durant still
feels compelled to defend himself, even though he’s enjoyed unrivaled
success since moving to Oakland and helping the Warriors win the NBA