※ 引述《Wojnarowski (@wojespn)》之铭言:
: Cleveland, Boston have reached an agreement, league source tells ESPN.
: Boston is sending Cleveland a 2020 second-round pick to complete the Kyrie Irv
: ing-Isaiah Thomas trade, league source tells ESPN.
: Boston will send its 2020 second-round pick via Miami to Cavaliers to complete
: the trade, league sources said. Boston would budge no more.
: https://mobile.twitter.com/wojespn/status/903081117758185472
: https://mobile.twitter.com/wojespn/status/903082455355330560
: 塞尔提克多送一个2020来自热火的二轮签以达成交易
: 完整交易如下:
: Kyrie Irving
: <