[外絮] Klay Thompson是NBA最伟大的得分后卫

楼主: djviva (时鼠无奈)   2017-08-29 12:21:55
Klay Thompson Is The Greatest Shooting Guard In The NBA
K汤是NBA最伟大的得分后卫 http://tinyurl.com/y8uahyxd
Klay Thompson has revolutionized the shooting guard position by transforming
it from a ball dominant offensive force into the perfect off-ball threat.
Klay Thompson exists in a strange place in the NBA. Though he’s an All-Star
and All NBA talent on the best team in the league, he is commonly regarded as
the least essential part of the Golden State Warriors core lineup. His
supporting role in the offense has led to him being involved in many trade
rumors. He’s been in talks for Kevin Love, Paul George, and most recently,
Kyrie Irving.
他在NBA是个奇特的存在, 虽然他是all star也处在联盟最有天赋的球队中, 但往往他却
是勇士核心阵容里存在感最低的人, 他在攻击端的贡献让他每每被卷入许多交易传闻中
, 像是Kevin Love, Paul George, 以及最近的Kyrie Irving
Those trades have all been rejected by Bob Myers and the Warriors because
they know how valuable Thompson is to their team’s chemistry and makeup.
Klay Thompson has been molded into the perfect complement for Steph Curry and
Kevin Durant.
但那些交易全部都被勇士老板跟经营团队打枪, 因为他们很清楚K汤对于勇士化学效应跟
团队组成有多重要, 现在K汤是Curry跟KD身旁完美的伙伴
He’s a constantly moving shooting threat that keeps the defense on their
toes and stretches the floor. While Thompson may be the most expendable
member of the Warriors all star quartet, he has transformed into the
archetypal shooting guard for the modern NBA and revolutionized the way the
position is played.
K汤是个持续移动的进攻威胁, 让对方必须时时刻刻紧盯着贴身防守, 这让勇士在场上的
空间得以拉大, 他或许是勇士四核心中最能拉开空间的人, 在现今的NBA中他转变了SG并
Changing Of The Guard
Since the days of Michael Jordan, the shooting guard has been a glamorous
position. A highly athletic skilled player, the shooting guard would be a
dangerous one-on-one scorer and the focal point of the offense. Kobe Bryant,
Dwyane Wade, and countless others were all molded in the shadow of Jordan’s
influential take on the position.
自从Michael Jordan以来SG成了最迷人的位置, 拥有高度运动技巧的球员, SG是危险的
单打得分手也是攻击端最重要的位置, 像是Kobe, Wade跟许多其他人都是在MJ的影响下
The NBA has changed. The old style of isolation hero-ball has vacated for a
modern pass heavy, fast paced game. The point guard is now the most ball
dominant position, in charge of the offensive load.
但NBA改变了, 老式的单打英雄球已然变成了高强度快节奏的比赛, 现在控卫是最主要的
Klay Thompson has evolved into the perfect counterpart to the modern point
guard. One of the best shooters in the NBA, Thompson stretches the floor like
few others. He takes advantage of the space he creates by constantly moving
around the court, springing himself for open three pointers or layups.
Thompson leads the league in both catch and shoot attempts and makes.
K汤完美的融入了大控卫时代, 他是NBA最好的射手之一, 但他拉开空间的方式却与他人
不同, 借由不断的在场上移动替自己创造出手空间并因此获益, 不管是空档三分跳投或
是上篮, K汤是联盟中catch and shot次数最多也命中最多的人
Klay Thompson’s unique skill set was on display in his tour de force
performance against Indiana last year. He dropped a career-high 60 points
against the Pacers in only 29 minutes. It was a virtuoso performance that
crystallized Klay’s revolution: he only held the ball for 90 seconds the
whole game!
他独特的技巧在2016/12/6对战溜马时崭露无遗, 上场29分钟砍下生涯最高的60分
然后更扯的是, 这场比赛他共只有触球90秒!
However, it isn’t just offense that makes Thompson a special player. He is a
world class defender who prides himself on his defensive growth. Thompson
often guards the opposing point guard, saving Curry from tough defensive
assignments. In the playoffs, he’s matched up against some of the best
offensive players in the NBA. In last year’s Finals, he showed his defensive
range by successfully guarding nearly the entire Cavs lineup.
然而K汤不只是进攻强, 他现在还是顶级的防守者, 他通常都得去防守对方的控卫来保护
Curry免于防守时强硬的碰撞; 季后赛时他对位防守过一些联盟最好的球员, 上一季总冠
军赛, 他成功的防守了几乎整个骑士队的球员, 展现出他的防守范围有多广
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