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: Wade妻子透露LBJ曾在两年前救出溺水的朋友
: 虎扑8月20日讯近日,公牛球星Dwyane Wade的妻子尤妮恩在接受Vogue记者Robert
: Sullivan采访时,回忆起了骑士球星LeBron James两年前在巴哈马海滩上的英雄事蹟。
: 尤妮恩称,故事发生在2015年的巴哈马海滩“香蕉船”聚会上。他们一行人中有许多都是
: 城市长大的旱鸭子,包括Wade在内,唯独James的游泳能力非常出众。
: “后来我们发现,James就是水行侠(Aquaman,DC漫画超级英雄)!”尤妮恩说道。
: 毫不夸张地说,他凭一己之力救了我们的朋友,”尤妮恩说道,“就像是电视剧《海滩救护队》中的情节一样
: 。因为他是James,当危急时刻出现,他绝不会任凭他人溺水而坐视不管,他一定会是那
: 个潜入水中救人的那个人。”
As I prepare to say goodbye, I am reminded of a story Gabrielle Union told me
about LeBron. Union and her husband, Dwyane Wade, with other friends and
athletes, were out snorkeling in the Bahamas a few years back. Some,
including Wade, were ocean-shy, city-born and not as strong at swimming as
LeBron. ("LeBron, it turns out, is Aquaman!" Union says.) Eventually, the
group got out in the water, though at the end of the swim, when everyone was
back in the boat, LeBron took a count and noticed a man missing, immediately
diving back in. "He literally brings our friend back, like something out of
an episode of Baywatch," Union says. "Because he's that guy, and when you see
that, you know he is not going to leave these at-risk kids behind or an NBA
player snorkeling. He's that guy who dives in."