It doesn’t sound like Deron Williams loved his Cavaliers tenure
待在在骑士, 小胖似乎不怎么开心
Richard Jefferson: “When you ask Deron about golf, his eyes light up. When
you ask Deron about MMA, his eyes light up.”
RJ: 当你跟小胖聊高球, 他眼神会为之一亮. 当你跟他聊MMA, 他眼神也会为之一亮.
Dave McMenamin: “-What about when you talk to him about coming off the bench
for the Cavaliers?”
Dave McMenamin: 那么跟他聊有关打骑士板凳的话题呢?
Jefferson: “His eyes did not light up, his eyes did not light up.”
RJ: 他的眼神黯淡下来, 他的眼神黯淡下来.
Chris Geeter: “What about when the Warriors saw him coming off the bench?”
*more laughter*
Chris Geeter: 那勇士看到小胖上场了呢? (更多笑声)
Jefferson: “Their eyes lit up”
RJ: 他们的眼睛都开始发亮了.